This is the first set of letters from a collection donated to the Museum, rather than being the conduct of Museum business. The three come from this collection:
OHA 228
* McMillin Letters, 1865-1866
* .1 cubic foot, .1 box.
* No finding aid, arranged, inactive, unrestricted.
* Tissue and letterbook copies of letters sent by Thomas McMillin in his position of assistant medical purveyor in New York City.
I wonder how you lose 336 ounces of chloroform?
Medical Purveyor's Office
New York
Feb. 3 1866
An invoice addressed to Mr. George Wright late Medical Storekeeper at this Depot ha been received. I have to inform you that the instruments etc have never been received. As the invoice is dated Dec. 1st, I presume they have been lost in transportation.
Very respectfully,
Your Obt Servt.
[Sig.] Thos. McMillin
Asst. Surg. USA and Asst Medical Purveyor
Dr. Thos. F. Perley
Late Surg. USA
Portland, ME
Medical Purveyor's Office
New York
Feb. 3 1866
You will please send an Invoice of thirty four (34) cases Hospital and Medical Supplies received at this Depot as now has been received Case no. 30. Said to contain 336 oz [zuici?] Chlor. Liq. [chloroform liquid] has not been received. I cannot receipt you for the Bedsteads mentioned in your letter of Feb. 1st; as all Bedsteads received, were accredited to Dr. Orton late asst. Surg. USA.
Your Obt Servt.
[Sig.] Thos. McMillin
Asst. Surg. USA and Asst Medical Purveyor
Dr. J. W. Merrain
Act Asst. Surg USA
Fort Schuyler, NYH [New York Harbor]
Medical Purveyor's Office
New York
Feby. 3 1866
The receipts for Medical and hospital property issued you together with the endorsement that the Hypodermic Syringe was missing has been received.
Will you please to inform me if you saw the box unpacked, and know from personal observation that the instrument was not received.
I am Sir Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant
[Signed] Thos. McMillin
Asst. Surg. USA and Asst Medical Purveyor
C. H. King.
A.A. Surg. USA
Fort Trumbull, Conn