
Friday, March 11, 2011

Medical Museum to Close Exhibits on April 3, 2011


February 28, 2011, Washington, D.C.: As part of the relocation of the National Museum of Health and Medicine from its present location to its new home in Silver Spring, Maryland, exhibits at the present location will phase out over the coming weeks. The last day that the public may visit any exhibits at the Museum in its present location will be on Sunday, April 3, 2011. All of the Museum’s exhibits are expected to remain available to visitors through April 3, 2011.

The Museum is open to the public daily, 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (including weekends and holidays), on the campus at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. Admission and parking are free. Adults must present government-issued photo identification to gain entry to the Walter Reed campus, and vehicles are subject to search. Learn more about planning a visit to the Museum on the campus of Walter Reed at

NMHM will complete its relocation to the Forest Glen Annex during the summer of 2011 and looks forward to welcoming the public at its new location in the fall. Stay tuned to the Museum’s website, Facebook page and e-newsletter for details.

During this transition period, while the Museum is closed to the public at its present location on the Walter Reed campus, Museum public programs staff will be working to continue their activities at other locations in the Silver Spring, Md., area. Stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for details.

Questions should be directed to Tim Clarke, NMHM Deputy Director for Communications, (202) 782-2672.

About the National Museum of Health and Medicine

  • The National Museum of Health and Medicine, established in 1862, inspires interest in and promotes the understanding of medicine—past, present, and future—with a special emphasis on tri-service American military medicine. As a National Historic Landmark recognized for its ongoing value to the health of the military and to the nation, the Museum identifies, collects, and preserves important and unique resources to support a broad agenda of innovative exhibits, educational programs, and scientific, historical, and medical research. The Museum is presently located at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 6900 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. Visit or call (202) 782-2200 for more information.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

New trade literature microscopy catalog added to Internet Archive


Letter of the Day: March 10 (1 of 2)

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 08196

War Department,
Office of the Surgeon General,
Army Medical Museum and Library,

March 10, 1905

Dr. W.M.L. Coplin
Jefferson Medical College
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Dr. Coplin,

Your method for mounting and preserving pathological specimens has impressed me greatly and I would like to have it tried here at the Museum as soon as it can be undertaken with a fair prospect of success. In order to demonstrate the beauty of the preparations and to show the value of the method before undertaking it I should like to be able to exhibit a few that had been prepared under your direction. I am going to presume so far as to ask whether you would be willing to contribute to our collection of pathological specimens a small set that would be types illustrating your own method? They will be given a conspicuous, will certainly attract attention and of course they will be credited to you. the Museum will gladly bear any expense attached to the preparation and shipment of the specimens.

If such an arrangement can be made will it be agreeable to you to have some one come on and spend a week in your laboratory acquiring familiarity with your method of procedure?

With kindest regards and trusting you will not view my request in the light of an imposition upon your good nature, believe me,

Very sincerely yours,
James Carroll
1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.
Curator, Army Medical Museum.

Letter of the Day: March 10 (2 of 2)

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 2978


Herbert & Micou,

Attorneys at Law,

Rooms 6, 7 and 8, Fleming Building,

1419 G Street.

Washington, D.C. March, 10th. 1898


Colonel Dallas Bache, U.S.A.

Assistant Surgeon General,

War Department.


Dear Sir:-


From the enclosed clipping we see you are President of a board to inquire into the method, etc., of rendering aid to the wounded, and we therefore ask to be permitted to exhibit to the board a recent invention of Mr. Frederick Remington of a litter-carrier. One of these litters has been under trial and observation of Major Kimbal, Surgeon, U.S.A. at Governors Island, N.Y. for the past two months, and we respectfully refer the board to him for a report of these trials.


We would like to furnish the board with one of these litter-carriers free of expense, to be given an exhaustive trial under service conditions, to be delivered wherever you may designate.


Very respectfully yours,


Herbert + Micou


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Medical Museum to Close Exhibits on April 3, 2011


February 28, 2011, Washington, D.C.: As part of the relocation of the National Museum of Health and Medicine from its present location to its new home in Silver Spring, Maryland, exhibits at the present location will phase out over the coming weeks. The last day that the public may visit any exhibits at the Museum in its present location will be on Sunday, April 3, 2011. All of the Museum’s exhibits are expected to remain available to visitors through April 3, 2011.

The Museum is open to the public daily, 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (including weekends and holidays), on the campus at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. Admission and parking are free. Adults must present government-issued photo identification to gain entry to the Walter Reed campus, and vehicles are subject to search. Learn more about planning a visit to the Museum on the campus of Walter Reed at

NMHM will complete its relocation to the Forest Glen Annex during the summer of 2011 and looks forward to welcoming the public at its new location in the fall. Stay tuned to the Museum’s website, Facebook page and e-newsletter for details.

During this transition period, while the Museum is closed to the public at its present location on the Walter Reed campus, Museum public programs staff will be working to continue their activities at other locations in the Silver Spring, Md., area. Stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for details.

Questions should be directed to Tim Clarke, NMHM Deputy Director for Communications, (202) 782-2672.

About the National Museum of Health and Medicine

  • The National Museum of Health and Medicine, established in 1862, inspires interest in and promotes the understanding of medicine—past, present, and future—with a special emphasis on tri-service American military medicine. As a National Historic Landmark recognized for its ongoing value to the health of the military and to the nation, the Museum identifies, collects, and preserves important and unique resources to support a broad agenda of innovative exhibits, educational programs, and scientific, historical, and medical research. The Museum is presently located at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 6900 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. Visit or call (202) 782-2200 for more information.


Museum move notes

Today Laura and I filled a bin with paintings of the curators and directors of the Museum/Pathology Institute, for move to our new site. The paintings ran from John Hill Brinton in 1862 through Florabel Mullick in 2011. Most were painted from photographs by Ralph Lawton in the late 1960s, with a few later paintings by Laoang and some photographs on canvas of the last few directors.

Letter of the Day: March 9

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 07367

War Department,
Office of the Surgeon General,
Army Medical Museum and Library,

March 9, 1904

Dr. D.P. Hickling
1304 R.I. Ave.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:

I am directed by the Surgeon General to express his thanks for the section of brain showing pus cavities (?) received from you on this day.

It will be added to the collection with a properly inscribed card.

Very respectfully,
C.L. Heizmann
Col. Asst. Surgeon General, U.S.A.
In charge of Museum & Library Division.

Specimen No. 12852 Path. Sect.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Letter of the Day: March 8

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 07364

War Department,
Office of the Surgeon General,
Army Medical Museum and Library,

March 8, 1904

Chas. F. Miller
1508 8th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:

I am directed by the Surgeon General to express his thanks for the specimen of tapeworm from a dog, received from you on this day. They will be added to the collection a properly inscribed card.

Very respectfully,
C.L. Heizmann
Col. Asst. Surgeon General, U.S.A.
In charge of Museums and Library Division

Specimen No. 12850 Path. Sect.

Monday, March 7, 2011

An Afternoon of Poetry with Kim Roberts, author of "Animal Magnetism"

An Afternoon of Poetry with Kim Roberts, author of "Animal Magnetism"

When: Saturday, April 9, 2011, 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Where: The National Museum of Health and Medicine
6900 Georgia Avenue NW, Building 54
Washington, D.C. 20307

Cost: Free!

Join the National Museum of Health and Medicine and poet/author Kim
Roberts in celebration of National Poetry Month. Roberts will read from
her new book of poetry, "Animal Magnetism," which features three poems
about the Museum's collections. After the reading, James Curley,
Historical Collections Specialist, will provide a special glimpse of the
Museum's collections. A book signing will follow the program. Copies of
"Animal Magnetism" will be available for purchase. For more information,
call 202-782-2673 or visit

The National Museum of Health and Medicine is located in Building 54 on
the campus of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Adults are required
to present photo ID to gain entry to Walter Reed.

Letter of the Day: March 7

[The "human monster" mentioned in this letter is actually a specimen of conjoined twins that still exists in the collection as Specimen # 12849. There is a photograph of the specimen at the end of the post.]

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 07360

War Department,
Office of the Surgeon General,
Army Medical Museum and Library,

March 7, 1904

Sergeant F. W. Donoho,
Hospital Corps, U.S.A.
Commercial Hotel, 7th and Penna. Ave.

Dear Sir:

I am directed by the Surgeon General to express his thanks for the very interesting specimen of a double human monster (ischiopagus tripus) recieved from you on this day. It will be added to the collection with a properly inscribed card.

Very respectfully,
C.L. Heizmann
Col. Asst. Surgeon General, U.S.A.
In charge of Museum & Library Division.

Reeve 039179

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Letter of the Day: March 6

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 07375

Post Hospital Fort Keogh Montana
March 6, 1904

To the
Curator of the Army Medical Museum
Washington, D.C.


I am sending today by mail, under separate cover, five flamed cover glass smears of sputum which I would request to have examined for the presence or not of tubercle bacilli.

Frequent examinations here have not revealed any, and as the patient presents symptoms, suspicious of tuberculosis, a confirmation or not of the findings here is desired.

The gross appearance of the sputum is mucoid with presence here and there of muco-purulent streaks. The patient claims to have had two attacks of memoptysis, not verified however by myself.

In the event of a positive finding it is requested that the stained specimen be returned to me, for future reference and comparison.

Very respectfully,

Edward F. Geddings
1st. Lieut. Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Letter of the Day: March 5

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 04444

War Department,
Surgeon General's Office,
U.S. Army Medical Museum and Library,
Corner 7th and B Streets SW.,

March 5, 1900

Prof. B. A[lfred] Dumm,
Corcoran Scientific School,
Department of Philosophy,
Columbia University

Dear Sir:

In reference to your letter of the 3rd inst., I beg to say, that I shall be absent from the city on Wednesday the 7th inst., but I have instructed DR. D.S. Lamb, that Pathologist at this Museum, to have the models of brain, eye, and ear placed together for you for examination at the time designated.

Very sincerely,
Walter Reed,
Major & Surgeon, U.S.A.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Letter of the Day: March 4

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 01302


War Department
Surgeon General's Office,

March 4, 1896

Major Walter Reed
Surgeon, U.S. Army,
Curator, Army Medical Museum,
Washington, D.C.

My Dear Reed:

Every time I have seen you of late I have forgotten a subject about which I intended to speak to you, and it is this: Occasionally books and other articles are purchased by the Surgeon General and sent down to you either for the Army Medical School or for the Museum proper. When they are for the School, do I understand that you take them up on your return and account for them? If for the Museum, I believe you drop them as deposited. Please let me know about this, whether it would be better for me to invoice to you any articles that are purchased by the Surgeon General for the Army medical School or for the Museum.

Very truly yours,
CH Alden

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The First Armed Forces Medical Examiner dies

The AFIP Director sent out this note today:

It is with great regret that I inform you of the passing of the First, Armed Forces Medical Examiner, Dr. Richard Froede. He was also a key player in the formation of the DNA Laboratory and DNA Repository. Dr. Froede also served terms as a member of the AFIP Scientific Advisory Board, and the ARP Executive Board. He succumbed after a lengthy illness, on February 9, 2011 in Arizona. His devotion to the AFIP will be missed. He will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery on March 24, 2011 at 3:00 p.m.

Letter of the Day: March 3

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 03716

War Department,
Office of the Surgeon General,
Army Medical Museum and Library,

March 3, 1899
Dr. D. H. Hazen
407 6th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:

I have the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt on the 3rd inst., of a human ovum, contributed by you to this Museum and to thank you for this addition to the Museum collection.

Very respectfully,
Walter Reed
Major and Surgeon, U.S.A.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dental centennial



February 28, 2011, Washington, D.C.: As part of the relocation of the National Museum of Health and Medicine from its present location to its new home in Silver Spring, Maryland, exhibits at the present location will phase out over the coming weeks. The last day that the public may visit any exhibits at the Museum in its present location will be on Sunday, April 3, 2011. All of the Museum’s exhibits are expected to remain available to visitors through April 3, 2011.

The Museum is open to the public daily, 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (including weekends and holidays), on the campus at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. Admission and parking are free. Adults must present government-issued photo identification to gain entry to the Walter Reed campus, and vehicles are subject to search. Learn more about planning a visit to the Museum on the campus of Walter Reed at

NMHM will complete its relocation to the Forest Glen Annex during the summer of 2011 and looks forward to welcoming the public at its new location in the fall. Stay tuned to the Museum’s website, Facebook page and e-newsletter for details.

During this transition period, while the Museum is closed to the public at its present location on the Walter Reed campus, Museum public programs staff will be working to continue their activities at other locations in the Silver Spring, Md., area. Stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for details.

Questions should be directed to Tim Clarke, NMHM Deputy Director for Communications, (202) 782-2672.

About the National Museum of Health and Medicine

  • The National Museum of Health and Medicine, established in 1862, inspires interest in and promotes the understanding of medicine—past, present, and future—with a special emphasis on tri-service American military medicine. As a National Historic Landmark recognized for its ongoing value to the health of the military and to the nation, the Museum identifies, collects, and preserves important and unique resources to support a broad agenda of innovative exhibits, educational programs, and scientific, historical, and medical research. The Museum is presently located at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 6900 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. Visit or call (202) 782-2200 for more information.


Letter of the Day: March 2

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 08185

War Department,
Office of the Surgeon General,
Army Medical Museum and Library,

March 2, 1905

Major Henry A. Shaw
Surgeon, U.S.A.
Fort Adams, R.I.

My Dear Major Shaw,

The specimen from stool forwarded by you Feby. 27, 1905 was received yesterday and your letter came this morning. The microscopic examination of the stool gives a negative result, but the agglutination test with the blood and a culture of Shiga's bacillus gives decided clumping, so much so indeed that the reaction deserves to be called positive. The culture used was an alkaline type of Shiga obtained in the Philippines by Dr. Flexner.

With kind regards and best wishes,
Yours very sincerely,
James Carroll
1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.
Curator, Army Medical Museum.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

PR: NLM Adds Rare Persian Manuscript to Turning the Pages

NLM Adds Rare Persian Manuscript, al-Qazwini's "The Wonders of Creation," to Turning the Pages Interactive Interface
The National Library of Medicine announces the release of a new Turning the Pages virtual book on its Web site ( The new book is the Kitab Aja'ib al-makhluqat wa Gharaib al-Mawjudat, literally "The Wonders of Creation," compiled in the middle 1200s in what is now Iran or Iraq. The vibrantly illustrated work is considered one of the most important natural history texts of the medieval Islamic world.
The author, Abu Yahya Zakariya ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmud-al-Qazwini (ca. 1203-1283 CE), is known simply as al-Qazwini. One of the most noted natural historians, geographers and encyclopedists of the period, he was born in the city of Qazwin in Persia and received much of his education in Baghdad, the cultural center of the region. Al-Qazwini wrote most of his works in Arabic. This beautifully illustrated Persian translation was created in 1537 in the Mughal Empire, corresponding to what is now Pakistan and northern India.
"The Wonders of Creation" is divided into two sections, focusing respectively on celestial phenomena, including the planets, stars, and angels, and the terrestrial world, including geography, ethnography, zoology, and botany. Al-Qazwini was primarily a compiler of information from different authors, both ancient and medieval, and made few original observations of his own. However, his flowing and understandable writing style and thoroughness on different topics made his texts popular and often quoted.
The manuscript copy itself consists of 335 leaves of paper with more than 150 illustrations, in opaque watercolors and ink, of constellations, mythical figures, and various plants and animals placed throughout the text. The Web exhibition contains a selection of these pages, accompanied by explanatory text.  The text is viewable by clicking the "T" in the upper left corner of the virtual book page. For more information see:
Image caption: The Simurg, or Phoenix, and peacock in Zakarīyā' ibn Muhammad al-Qazwini's "Wonders of Creation," from Manuscript P 1 of the US National Library of Medicine's Turning the Pages project.

Civil War pictures continue to be posted to Flickr
