
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tried and True Always Works

Since I've been away from the blog for a while, I thought I would work back into the swing of things with a plethora of links, a panoply of bloggy goodness for you to behold. Enjoy.
  • Street Anatomy points us toward the Skull-A-Day project. I love it when blog titles exactly capture what their posts feature.
  • And from pathtalk, a blog about pathology, is a link to a video that is beautiful and cool, but beyond me technically. The blog post - Animated DNA - and this bit of description 'incredibly cool animation of the central dogma of molecular biology' - offer some more clues. I watched it, I liked it, and think you might, too.


Øystein said...

Thanks for liking my pics of surgical instruments.

Nice blog you got here!

Anonymous said...

Med Students and their cadavers? You should see the cut-ups at the Medical College of Virginia on flickr: