An unofficial blog about the National Museum of Health and Medicine (nee the Army Medical Museum) in Silver Spring, MD. Visit for news about the museum, new projects, musing on the history of medicine and neat pictures.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Letter of the Day: May 14
Surgeon General's Office
U.S. Army Medical Museum and Library,
Corner 7th and B Streets S.W.
Washington, May 14, 1908
Sally Rosenberg,
Frankfurt a/m
Scillerstrasse 18
Referring to the letter of Michael von Lukacsich (Catalogue of 1901, p. 114, No. 2272) recently received from you, I would like to informed of the following points:
What was Lukacsich's connection with Heiligengeist Hospital?
Was he a graduated physician?
When did his death occur?
I should be pleased to receive the above information which is probably obtainable from the officers of the "Heiligengeist Hospital" of your city.
Very respectfully,
Calvin DeWitt
Col. & Asst. Surgeon General, U.S.A.
In charge of Museum & Library Division
Friday, May 6, 2011
Letter of the Day: May 6 (2 of 2)
Leipzig, May 6, 1885
Dear Sir [John Shaw Billings],
I am much obliged to you for the sending of the photographics (sic) of crania. The methods of photographing several heads upon the same plate with scale of measure added appears indeed to be of great interest. I have shown these plates to Dr. Emile Schmidt (formerly in Essen), whose collection, embracing 1300 nos. is to be placed in our institution.
I have myself, I am sorry to say, little time for craniological studies, as all my free time is devoted to embryology, but whenever I can help to promote craniology, I do so with pleasure. With regard to the specimens Prof. Braun (spelling?) has already written to you, I presume, that he had made for you a series of sections, ready to be forwarded, simply waiting for your directions. The sudden death of our dear president Panum has undoubtedly grieved you. He was in the position which he filled with so much conscientiousness, as if made for it and would have assisted you in the organization of the Congress in 1887, with his advice.
Very respectfully
W. His
Friday, August 27, 2010
Letter of the Day: August 27
August 27, 1896
Dr. H.R. Storer,
Newport, R.I.
Dear Dr. Storer:
I herewith send you description of medal of Freemason’s Hospital at Hamburg, which you desired:
Obverse: A female figure, seated, holding in outstretched left a palm branch over a hospital building; serpent wound around her right arm feeds from a cup held by a genius standing at the side of the figure. O Bergmann, Hamburg. In exergue: 1795-1895.
Reverse: Inscription in a wreath of two laurel branched tied by a ribbon: Zur Erinnerung | an das | 199-jaehrige | Bestehen | des Freimaurer - | Krankenhauses | zu Hamberg | 3. October 1895.
Bronze, size 27.
Please accept my thanks for the Newport Herald containing notice of Jenner memorials and also copy of “Memorials” reprinted from Jour. Am. Med. Assoc.
Very sincerely yours,
D.L. Huntington
Deputy Surgeon General, U.S. Army,
In charge of Museum and Library Division
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Letter of the Day: July 31
Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 836
Schulze-Berge & Koechl,
79 Murray Street, New York,
Importers and Sole Licenses for the United States For the Modern Medicinal Products
Of the Farbwerke, Vorm. Meister, Luciuss & Bruning,
Hoechst-on-the-Main, Germany.
Dear Doctor:--
It will probably interest you to learn that the Serum department of the FARBWERKE vorm. MEISTER, LUCIUSS & BRUNING at Hoechst-on-the-Main, Germany, where the original DIPTHERIA ANTITOXINE of PROF. BEHRING is manufactured, is now and has been for some time, under the immediate supervision of the GERMAN GOVERNMENT. Each vial of the serum is not only tested and approved by PROFS. BEHRING and EHRLICH, but as a further guarantee of its reliability is also approved and passed by the government experts before it is put upon the market.
In order to be certain of obtaining the genuine “BEHRING” serum, it will be well to specify DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXINE-“BEHRING” and to observe that each vial bears the label herewith reproduced in fac-simile, which is printed in four different colors in order to distinguish the respective strengths.
Literature will be sent upon application to SCHULZE-BERGE & KOECHL,
Sole Licensees for the United States,
79 Murray Street, New York.
Undated but received July 31, 1895