
Showing posts with label ovaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ovaries. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Letter of the Day: June 16

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 02335

June 16, 1897

Dr. I.S. Stone,
1449 Rhode Island Avenue,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Doctor:

I beg to report that the microscopic examination of sections of supposed additional ovaries, left for examination on may 26, 1897, shows in both a fibrous structure rich in spindle-shaped cells, such as one generally sees in sections of the ovary. There are no Graafian follicles to be found however. The surface of one of these bodies is partially covered with a low cuboidal epithelium which can be traced into the interior of the growth, where it becomes a higher cuboidal and even ciliated columnar epithelium, lining a number of clefts which branch in various directions. I think that these various clefts lined with epithelium merely mark the outlines of papillary projections which have been cut out transversely. One of those out in a longitudinal direction is seen to be covered with high columnar ciliated epithelium. This epithelium must be considered as modified germinal epithelium, thus demonstrating the ovarian origin of these bodies. I believe, therefore, that from the microscopic appearance, these bodies should be considered as superficial papillomata of the ovary. J. Whitwedge Williams has given a full description of these papillomata in Vol. III, Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports.

Sincerely yours,
Walter Reed
Surgeon, U.S. Army,