25 May 1959
Mr. William Fowler
Instruction Aids Division
Quartermaster School
Fort Lee, Virginia
Dear Mr. Fowler:
The Medical Museum of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology is dedicated to the collection, preservation, and display of military medical material. It is one of the four major departments of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, a national institution jointly sponsored by the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force.
While the parent organization is located on the grounds of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the Museum is located in the downtown area of Washington where it can better carry out its mission of service and interest to the public. It is here that the military services portray the developments in the field of military medicine and the resultant benefits to all mankind. A dynamic program of current and timely Armed Forces Medical subjects, together with constantly changing exhibits of the history and pathology of diseases and certain other selected topics of military medical history, have made this a living museum. The positive support of the Museum by the Surgeons General of the three Armed Services assures its continued growth and improvement.
In view of this and to continue its collection of historical material the Medical Museum is seeking to obtain and preserve actual uniforms worn by those who have distinguished themselves in Medical Service and will live long in its history. It is also hoped to have type uniforms of the Medical Services complete in every detail to show the changes through the years. Naturally the passing of time makes it increasingly difficult to find either.
Your display of uniforms at the Armed Forces Day Exhibit at Andrews Air Force Base, Washington, has caused me to write to you as to what the possibility would be of getting type uniforms of bygone years, new or discarded, or the specifications for their making.
Sincerely yours,
Albert E Minns Jr
Colonel MSC
Curator, Medical Museum