
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Letter of the Day: October 10

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 959

Pension Bureau, Oct. 10 1895

Doctor C.H. Alden,
Asst. Surg. General,

Dear Doctor:

This will introduce to you Doctor D. M. McPherson of this Bureau. The doctor brings to you a substance found in a lung upon post mortem. It is claimed that this substance is the remains of a bullet, + the admission of the widow’s claim turns upon this point.

We have made no examination of the substance for the reason that an examination by someone outside of the official force of the Bureau will carry much more weight. Can I ask you to request someone to test this substance for lead and write a little certificate as to results of tests. If the substance is not lead, we would be glad to learn what it is.

Very respectfully
Thos. Featherstonehaugh
Medical Referee

{Tune in October 12th for the exciting answer!}

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