
Monday, June 13, 2011

Letter of the Day: June 13

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 07571

Surgeon General's Office
U.S. Army Medical Museum and Library
Corner of 7th and B Streets
Washington, June 13, 1904.

1st Lieut. John R. Devereux,
Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.
Fort Meade, S.D.


Replying to your letter of May 30th forwarding specimens of skin scrapings, I have the honor to report the result of the examination as negative. No fungi could be detected in the material after treatment with caustic potash solution nor after staining with a solution of methylene blue.

This report would have been made earlier but for the fact that Your letter was mislaid.

Very respectfully,
James Carroll
1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.
Curator, Army Medical Museum.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Letter of the Day: June 12

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 02331

In reply refer to No. 1532
War Department,
Surgeon General's Office
Washington, June 12, 1897.

Major Walter Reed,
Surgeon, U.S. Army,
Secretary , Army Medical School,
Washington, D.C.


The records of this office show that you have received two (2) copies of "A Guide to the Clinical Examination of the Blood," by Richard C. Cabot, M.D. If you have received two (2) copies of this book, the Surgeon General directs that one (1) copy be sent to this office and the same dropped from your next Return of Medical Property, with suitable remark.

Very respectfully,
C.H. Alden
Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Army

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Letter of the Day: June 11

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 06762

Surgeon General's Office
U.S. Army Medical Museum and Library
Corner of 7th and B Streets
Washington, June 11, 1903.

Capt. W. F. Clark, 2d Cavy.
Fort Myer, Va.


Replying to your letter of the 8th inst. in regard to the location of the intake pipe for the water supply at your post I would suggest that you consult Lieut. Col. Alexander M. Miller of the Engineer Corps, whose office is at 2728 Penna. Ave., Washington, D.C. Col Miller has been engaged for some years in the practical study of the water supply of the city of Washington, he is no doubt familiar with the points at which sewage and factory refuse are poured into the Potomac, and could give an expert opinion as to the points from which water could be taken with the least danger of sewage contamination during unusual conditions of flood in the river.

This seems to me to be a matter of vital importance and one that should be decided only by an expert who is familiar with the local conditions.

I have only a hearsay knowledge of your water supply but I shall be very glad to render any assistance in my power, at any time you may see fit to call upon me.

Very respectfully,
James Carroll
1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.
Asst. Curator.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Former Museum curator Elgin Cowart's funeral is June 13th

Services for Elgin Cowart's burial are at Arlington National Cemetery at the Post Chapel on Monday, June 13, 2011 at 11:00am.


If you are attending a chapel service prior to a funeral, you will no longer be able to drive to the Old Post Chapel or Memorial Chapel on Joint-Base Myer-Henderson Hall (formerly Fort Myer) from Arlington National Cemetery without DoD decals on your vehicle and the appropriate identification (government-issued photo ID, valid driver license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance). All vehicles without DoD decals must enter through JBM-HH Hatfield, Wright or Henderson Hall gates. For more information and directions to JBM-HH gates, please read the new access control policy.

Letter of the Day: June 10

Numbered Correspondence: Curatorial Records 06760

Surgeon General's Office
U.S. Army Medical Museum and Library
Corner of 7th and B Streets
Washington, June 10, 1903.

To the Surgeon General,
U.S. Army


In accordance with letter dated Surgeon General's Office June 5, 1903 addressed to the Officer in Charge of the Medical Supply Depot, Washington, D.C. and accompanied by standard samples of bandages, etc., I have the honor to submit the following report of the result of an examination of the samples of sterility:

1. Sublimated gauze.
Portions placed in six bouillon tubes: all sterile.

2. Absorbent cotton.
Portions in sic bouillon tubes: 4 sterile; 2 contaminated.

3. Plain gauze.
Portions in six bouillon tubes: all contaminated.

4. Gauze bandages.
Portions from three bandages in thirteen bouillon tubes: 9 sterile; 4 contaminated.

Very respectfully,
Jams Carroll
1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.
Asst. Curator.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Articial kidney machine in Museum duplicated by students

Engineering students look to the past to learn about the future

Preston Moretz

June 8, 2011




Letter of the Day: June 9

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 06759

Surgeon General's Office
U.S. Army Medical Museum and Library
Corner of 7th and B Streets
Washington, June 9, 1903.

To the Surgeon General,
U.S. Army.

(Through the President of the Faculty, Army Medical School).


In order to obtain the necessary material for class purposes at the Army Medical School I have the honor to ask the the Surgeons at Fort Myer, Va., Washington Barracks, D.C., and the U.S. Soldiers' Home, Washington, D.C., be requested to notify me by telephone whenever a case of malaria presents in which the parasites are found in teh blood. Upon receipt of such notification a man will be sent at once to prepare cover-glass smears for preparation.

Very respectfully,
James Carroll
1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.
Asst. Curator.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New issue of "Grog View" about Navy history of medicine

There's a new issue of the Navy's medical historians publication online
now -

Got Grog?

It includes an article about the Naval Hospital in Yokohama, Japan, that
was damaged in an earthquake in 1923 and a good article on Presidential
health and Navy physicians.

Letter of the Day: June 8

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 04644

Hoagland Laboratory,
Department of Bacteriology
E.H. Wilson, M.D., Director.
R.B. Fitz-Randolph, A.C., Associate Director

Dear doctor Reed:

We have bred our guinea pigs in our animal room so long that i cannot quote prices to you, but if you will communicate with Jas. T. Dougherty, #409 West 59th. Street, N.Y., he will give you all the information you desire and furnish you with the animals.

I have telephoned him about the matter, and he will expect to hear from you. I wish I could go to Cuba with you, but it is too hot.

Regards to Dr. Carroll.

Sincerely yours,
E.H. Wilson

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Letter of the Day: June 7

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 07565

Surgeon General's Office
U.S. Army Medical Museum and Library
Corner of 7th and B Streets
Washington, June 7, 1904.

Captain Carl. R. Darnall,
Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.
In charge of Field Medical Supply Depot.


I have the honor to invite your attention to the unsatisfactory work of the Forbes Sterilizing apparatus which was operated to-day in order to exhibit its workings of Dr. Childs of England.

Two burners were used, one of them entirely new, and both appeared to be defective; with constant pumping one hour elapsed before any water was delivered. After running forty minutes the quantity of water delivered was only about two and one half gallons.

Very respectfully,
James Carroll
1st. Lieut. Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.
Curator, Army medical Museum

Monday, June 6, 2011

New World War I finding aid online

Museum intern Sara Gonzales wrote a finding aid for OHA 97 Angier and Hitchcock Collection about World War Reconstruction Aides which is at the NMHM website here:


Many other finding aids are online here:



Letter of the Day: June 6

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 08389

War Department,
Office of the Surgeon General,
Army medical Museum and Library,

June 6, 1905.

Dr. Arthur A. Snyder
1207 Connecticut Avenue
Washington, DC

Dear Dr. Snyder:

I write to ask if you will not kindly favor me with a copy of your report of the case of Hodgkin's disease that died at Garfield Hospital about ten years ago. I am sure I have heard you say that you published it but I cannot find any reference to a case published under your name in our catalogue. If you cannot give me the paper will you not give me the reference so that I can get it in the original.

I am also very anxious to have a photograph of the case for reproduction because I find it is one of very great interest in view of our present knowledge upon this subject.

Trusting you will not find it inconvenient to grant my request, believe me,

Yours very sincerely,
James Carroll

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Letter of the Day: June 5

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 08386

War Department
Office of the Surgeon General,
Army Medical Museum and Library,

June 5, 1905.

Dr. W. M. L. Coplin,
Jefferson medical College,
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Sir:

I am directed by the Surgeon General to express his thanks for the specimen of pancreas, showing hemorrhagic and fat necrosis, received by you on the 1st inst. It will be added to the collection with a properly inscribed card.

Will you have the further kindness to furnish the Museum with its history?

Very respectfully,

C. L. Heizmann
Col. & Asst. Surgeon General, U.S.A
In charge of Museum and Library Division

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Letter of the Day: June 4

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 07560

Surgeon General's Office
U.S. Army Medical Museum and Library
Corner of 7th and B Streets
Washington, June 4, 1904.

Major W. F. Lippett
Surgeon, U.S. Army, Military Hospital
San Juan, P.R.


Referring to the tumor from the inguinal region forwarded with your letter of May 24th, I have the honor to report that a microscopical examination shows the conditioned present to be one of chronic suppurative inflammation. The glands consist almost entirely of typical granulation tissue, very rich in fibroblasts and showing numerous newly formed bloodvessels [sic]. The inflammatory element is shown by the presence of numerous polymorphonuclear leukocytes and several small healing foci of suppuration. In one place the leukocytes can be seen to be emigrating freely through the wall of a blood vessel. There is no evidence of tuberculosis.

Very respectfully,
James Carroll
1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.
Curator, Army medical Museum

Friday, June 3, 2011

Letter of the Day: June 3

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 03185

Rejection of Candidate

June 3, 1898

To the Surgeon General
U.S. Army


I have the honor to inform you that Dr. George E. Plummer, of Key West, Fla., was rejected by the Board yesterday for physical disqualifications. This applicant was examined by Asst. Surgeon, P. Clendenin, May 30, and accepted; the only note upon physical record being "slender but wiry". In addition to deficient physique which the Board noted upon examining the record, and as to which it made a reservation at the time, there was a marked vericosity of the veins of both legs, extending above the knees, a most unpromising condition as to future usefulness. had they been recorded originally, that candidate would have been spared the expense of the journey and attendance.

The Board suggests that Medical Examiners be cautioned to note all defects, so that the Board may have all possible data for careful judgment. It is plain from this example that the preliminary physical examination can be advisory only, and not binding upon the board.

Very respectfully,
Dallas Bache
Col. & Asst. Surgeon, U.S. Army
President of the Board

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bell 13 D Sioux (Army, Korea)

Letter of the Day: June 2

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 02307

June 2, 1897

Capt. D.F. Boughton
Troop B, 3rd Cavalry
Jefferson Barracks, Mo.

Dear Sir:

I beg to acknowledge the receipt through Major J. B. Girard, Surgeon, U.S. Army, of a Krag-Joergensen rifle bullet, which was fired through the tibia of private H. McShane, of your troop, and which you had the kindness to present to this Museum. The specimen is of interest, especially in connection with the perforated section of bone forwarded by Major Girard, and the Surgeon General desires me to thank you for this contribution to the Museum Collection.

Very respectfully,
Walter Reed
Surgeon, U.S. Army

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

25 best blogs on biomedicine

I heard from William Hopper today suggesting that Bottled Monsters readers might enjoy his blog, HealthTechTopia. Check out his latest entry that has a list of the top 25 blogs about biomedicine:

Letter of the Day: June 1

[this is a 3 ½” x 4 ½” handwritten order, and is a result of the Spanish-American War]


W.D. [War Department]

S.G.O [Surgeon General’s Office]

June 1. 1898




Dr. William M. Gray, Microscopist Surgeon General’s Office will proceed without delay to New York City and report in person to Major George H. Torney, Surgeon USA for duty in the US Hospital ship “Relief.”


(signed) Geo M. Sternberg

Surg. Genl USA


To Dr. Wm Gray


Through Col. Dallas Bache

Asst. Surg. Genl USA

In charge of M+L Div.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Letter of the Day: May 31

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 00722

War Department,
Surgeon General's Office,
Washington, May 31, 1895.

My Dear Doctor:-

Your letter of May 22d related to two supposed cases of leprosy has been received. I am so very much occupied with my official duties that I have no time for making personal investigations in a matter of this kind. I will, however, refer your communication to Major Walter Reed, Surgeon, U.S. Army, Curator of the Army Medical Museum, who will I have no doubt be glad to examine the specimens and who is entirely competent to give you an opinion on the matter.

Very sincerely yours,
(Signed) Geo. M. Sternberg.

Dr. C. O. Probst,
Sec. State Board of Health,
Columbus, Ohio.