Ahhh, large world’s fairs – those were the days…
Major Clifton Comly, U.S.A.
Representative of War Department
World’s Columbian Exposition,
War Department Exhibit
21 March 1891
My dear Dr.
Will you kindly notify Dr. Billings that a meeting of the War Dept Board in connection with the World Columbian Exposition, has been called for Tuesday the 24th inst at 11 a.m. at the room of the Board of Management 1429 New York Ave., Washington (Safe Deposit Building, Cor. 15th St.)
You will remember that it was agreed that the Dr was to represent Dr. LaGarde for this meeting and I trust nothing may interfere with his attendance.
Very truly yours
Clifton Comly,
Major, USA
Dr. C.R. Greenleaf,
Med Dept.
Note reads: Dear Dr. – I pass this along to you CRG