
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Letter of the Day: November 11 (1 of 2)

Surgeon General’s Office
Army Medical Museum
Washington D.C. Nov. 11” 1870.


I have the honor to report that the following specimens in the Army Medical Museum are available for exchange with other Museums and Instititutions.

Illustrating Gunshot Injuries

Four illustrations of gunshot injuries of the shoulder joint.

Thirty four specimens of gunshot injuries of the shaft of humerus.

Fourteen specimens of gunshot injuries of the elbow joint.

Nineteen specimens of gunshot injuries of the forearm.

Six specimens of gunshot injuries of the carpal articulations and hand.

Sixty three specimens of gunshot injuries of the femur.

One hundred and twenty one specimens of injuries of the knee joint.

One hundred and seventeen specimens of gunshot injuries of the bones of the leg.

Sixty two specimens of gunshot injuries of the bones of the ankle and foot.

Twenty two leaden bullets

From Prof. William Gibson’s Cabinet.

Twenty two oil paintings.

Five femurs, three bones of the leg, and one humerus.


Four preparations of the heart, purchased in Paris.


Once Indian medicine drum and rattle.

One Assiniboine Indian rattle.

One deformed hoof.

Three entomological specimens.

Six specimens of Indian food, of which samples have been sent to the Agricultural Department, Smithsonian Institution, and to the Springfield Museum.

“A right boot, showing the wound of entrance and exit of a bullet passing nearly transversely through the middle of the foot”

I am sir,
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant,
E.T. Parker
Hospital Steward U.S.A.

Assistant Surgeon George A. Otis.
U.S. Army
Curator Army Medical Museum

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