An unofficial blog about the National Museum of Health and Medicine (nee the Army Medical Museum) in Silver Spring, MD. Visit for news about the museum, new projects, musing on the history of medicine and neat pictures.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Another Archives collection scanned
Here's an example:
Letter of the day, March 15
Medical School
Anatomical Department
Boston, March 15, 1887
My dear Dr. Billings,
I have made three more corrosion preparations for your museum. The first is a left human lung [A.M.M. No. 2432 Anatomical Sect.] – vein red, artery blue. It is decidedly better than the one that was broken and which it is sent to replace. It shows the shape of the lung including the curve cut out to make room for the heart. There is an extravascetion[?] at one place but it does not show very much. I have made also a human liver in four colors. Portal vein red, hepatic vein (and cava) blue, artery yellow, bile duct green. It is the best preparation of the kind that I ever made. The only defects are that the acid has affected the green which has unfortunately become very bluish and that the yellow [section of page torn off] I think the preparation [torn] called one of the first class. The kidney which I sent [illegible] had rather a weak injection of the vein. This is perhaps as well as it shows more of the rest but I have now a preparation which is its complement.[A.M.M. No. 2434] Namely a full injection of the vein in blue, the ureter in yellow and no artery.
The lung is sent to replace the other one. The price of the liver is fifty dollars and the kidney is thrown in. The lung and liver are mounted elastically on cushions covered in white silk. I hope you will send a man for them as it would break my heart if the liver were broken.
I intend now to give up corrosions. They take too much time and should be made by demonstrators not professors. A visitor just came in to see the liver. I think it has changed shape a little by its weight. It is worth sending for anyway and if it deteriorates you can pay what you please.
Yours very sincerely,
Thomas Dwight
[Specimens of lung & liver received Mar. 28, 1887
Kidney Apr 1 ‘87
Liver broken when received and not placed in A.M.M. Could not be repaired.]
Letter of the day, March 14
A day late. Oops!
Fisk & Arnold,
Manufacturers of
Artificial Limbs, &c.
No. 3 Boylston Place,
Boston, Mass., March 14, 1899.
Dear Sir:
We ship to-day by Adams Express the samples of old devices requested in your favor of March 7th. The steel skeleton is that of the “Drake” [A.M.M. No. 2503 Misc. Sect.] leg manufactured between 1840 & 50 and the small model is a perfect miniature of the “Palmer” [A.M.M. No. 2504 Misc. Sect.] leg manufactured between 1860 & 70. The skeleton we willingly give to the Museum but for the model we charge you just what it cost us.
Yours very truly,
Fisk & Arnold
To Dallas Bache
Col. & Asst. Surgeon General U.S.A.
Washington, D.C.
[Specimens received March 15, 1899.]
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Letter of the Day: March 13
This actually occurred until 1968 when we were tossed out again and the building demolished to make way for the Hirshhorn Museum. It's too bad paragraph 4 wasn't taken into account in recent years.
13 March 1959
SUBJECT: Relocation of the Medical Museum of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
THRU: The Surgeon General
Department of the Army
Washington 25, D.C.
ATTN: Chief, Medical Plans & Operations Division
TO: Chief Space Management
Management Office, OSA
Room 3D 732, The Pentagon
Washington 25, D.C.
1. Ground breaking cremonies for a new building for the National Library of Medicine are now planned for this coming June. Therefore, the normal progress of construction will make it possible for the Library to occupy its new quarters in a relatively short time thereafter.
2. In view of the above, it is requested action be taken that the building now occupied by the Library on Independence Avenue at 7th Street, S.W., when vacated, be allocated to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology for the use of the Medical Museum.
3. Attention is invited to the fact that the Library building was originally built in 1886 for the joint needs of the Army Medical Museum and Library. Both agencies occupied it simultaneously for more than 60 years. During this time the Army Medical Museum expanded into a major diagnostic and research center. In 1946 it was reorganized as the Army Institute of Pathology to better reflect its major activities. At this time the Museum became one of its four departments, but the tremendous growth of the Institute meanwhile had made it necessary to move the Museum Department ot other quarters, and Chase Hall was selected. The Museum has occupied Chase Hall ever since, with a steadily growing number of visitors. Last year close to a quarter of a millions persons visited the Museum. In 1955 the Intitute of Pathology was relocated to its new building on the grounds of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, but when the Institute moved, the vacated space was needed for the expanded facilities of the Library, and the Museum remained in Chase Hall.
4. The Museum has a mission of service and interest to the public. Therefore, of necessity, it must be maintained in an area readily accessible to the visitor to the Nation's Capital and to the public in general. The present Library building having been built originally to house the Museum would need no structural changes to again accommodate it. For museum purposes its location, interior adequacy, and arrangement are ideal. The allocation of this building would preclude the necessity of any further action for new quarters or a new building for many years to come.
5. Chase Hall now is programmed tentatively for demolition during the latter part of this year to make way for the Southwest Redevelopment. Consequently, assuming the above request will be approved, it is further requested that action be taken to postpone demolition of Chase Hall and allow its retention by the AFIP for Museum purposes until such time as the Museum can be moved into the Library building across the street.
W.M. Silliphant
Captain, MC, USN
The Director
Colonel, USAF (MC)
Deputy Director
Colonoel, MSC
Curator, Medical Museum
Friday, March 12, 2010
Letter of the Day, March 12 (3 of 3)
There are letters before this about the missing ambulance bag, but none afterwards so it will forever remain a mystery.
Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 1717
Consulate of the United States of America, Christiania [Denmark] March 12/97
His Excellency
G.B. Ferguson, Esq.
U.S. Minister, Stockholm
Dear Sir:
Referring to former letters in relation to the Ambulance matter shipped by me in April last year to Washington via New York, I have now received the following communication from the agent here of the ‘Thingvalla” S/S Line.
“The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has written to us thus: Replying to your favor of the 6th inst. Relative to 2 packages of military ambulance matter ex S/S “Thingvalla” April 1896, shipped by the U.S. Consul at Christiana, I have to advise, that we have received advises from our Agent at Washington D.C. that this property was delivered to the U.S. Army medical Museum April 16th 1896, and signed for by F. W. Stone. This shipment ws forwarded from New York to Washington [illegible] in bond.”
After this explanation I do not well understand, how it could be said in Washington as late as in December last year, that the goods had not yet been received. On the contrary, everything relating to this shipment had been done as promptly as possible.
Yours very truly
Gerhard Gade
Letter of the Day, March 12 (2 of 3)
Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 1325
March 12, 1896
To the Surgeon General, U.S. Army
Washington, D.C.
I have the honor to forward herewith for your signature a letter to the Honorable Secretary of War, requesting that the Spanish Minister of War be thanked for the donation of a Bolsa de Copania to the Army Medical Museum.
Very respectfully,
D.L. Huntington
Deputy Surgeon General, U.S. Army,
In charge of Museum and Library Division.
Here’s the enclosed letter…
March 12, 1896.
To the Honorable,
The Secretary of War,
Washington, D.C.
I have the honor to state that the following article of Sanitary Corps Equipment of the Spanish Army has been received at the U.S. Army Medical Museum:
1 Bolsa de Compania.
As the article was presented, on the part of the Spanish Government, by his Excellency, the Minister of War of Spain, to this Department free of charges and expenses, I would respectfully suggest that a letter of thanks be sent to his Excellency.
The Bolsa was received through Captain J. H. H. Peshine, 13th Infantry, Military Atttache at Madrid (Despatch No. 163, Legation of the U.S., Office of the Military Attache, Madrid, January 13, 1896.)
Very respectfully,
Surgeon General, U.S. Army
Letter of the Day, March 12 (1 of 3)
Both our Museum and the Mutter still survive, although I don’t think most of these specimens that they sent us do.
College of Physicians of Philadelphia
13th and Locust Streets
March 12th 1868
George A. Otis, M.D.
Asst. Surgeon U.S. Army.
Dear Sir,
I have this day forwarded by Express to Washington two (2) boxes containing specimens for the Army Museum.
They are sent as exchanges. It being understood that you will send in exchange duplicates from the Army Museum collection.
The boxes contain
25 specimens of Urinary concretions, [human], analyzed.
8 specimens of Biliary concretions
7 specimens of concretions from stomachs of lower animals (horse and cow)
2 Ovarian Tumors [one a unicolular, one a mulitlocular cyst]
5 Casts of Club Feet [one of valgus [corrected to varus] one of valgus [corrected to varus] cured, one of Equinus, one of Equinus cured , one of Equinus [corrected to varus] in plaster.
The following cast of Bones
4 Femurs with absorption of head.
4 Femurs with fracture of neck.
1 Femur with Fracture of shaft.
1 Humerus with fracture of anatomical neck.
1 Ilium with a secondary acetabulum occasioned by an unreduced luxation.
The following Horse Bones.
1 Vertebrae having exostosis [in one box]
A portion of vertebrae with some ribs attached.
1 Pelvis
1 Portion of Pelvis
2 Scapula showing bony deposit in cartilage occasioned by age
97 Diseased bones of the extremities of the horse.
The urinary calculi have all been carefully analyzed and each specimen marked accordingly.
The unilocular cyst of R. Ovary was not adherent. The tumor was removed March 21 1866 by ovarectomy. The patient was 19 years old. Duration of disease 7 (seven) years. She first menstruated at 12 years of age, after which he had an attack of mumps which suddenly disappeared and was followed by the appearance of the ovarian tumor. The operation was performed by Dr. Washington L. Atlee and was successful.
The multilocular ovarian tumor was taken from a patient 20 years old, unmarried, Duration of disease was one (1) year. She was tapped April 16 1866 and a deep chocolate coloured fluid drawn off. The operation for extirpation was performed May 23 1866 by Dr. Washington L. Atlee. The tumors had strong adhesion and the operation was unsuccessful.
Very respectfully
Thomas Hewson Bache, M.D.
Curator [Mutter Museum]
Note on letters says: Acknowledged March 16
The Biliary Calculi & gastric collections was turned over to Dr. Woodward.
Photo of the day, March 12
Just think about this many kids being cavity-free in 1925, in pre-fluoride days. How'd they do it?
100 percent perfect condition of teeth. Sixth grade. 03/12/1925. Photos of Hollister and his office, 1908 - 1940's; Hollister Collection; OHA 193.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Not a Letter of the Day
Dr. W. Ashby Frankland,
916 Eighth Street N.W.
Washington, D.C., Dec. 3, 1900
Office Hours:
8 to 10 a.m.
3 to 5 p.m.
Dr. D.S. Lamb,
U.S.A. Medical Museum
Dear Dr. Lamb:
The history of the fetus I left with you on Nov. 27th is as follows:
Mrs. A.F., married, age about 30, mother of five (5) children. Menstruation Aug. 29, lasted 3 days, flow intermittent.
About Oct. 15 having had no menstruation in Sept. and experiencing almost constant nausea patient tried to induce abortion by passing into the [uterus?] a straightened button hook and a hairpin, making many such attempts within the following four weeks. Three haemmorhages occured lasting about an hour and a half each; one about Oct. 18 and one on Nov. 13th and 14th respectively.
After tamponade of vagina and a hot douche a foetus was born on Nov. 18, apparently three months advanced.
An interesting feature of this case is that both Fallopian tubes were tied with silk on Aug. 1 during an operation for appendicitis, menstruation being then in progress.
The ligation of the tubes was done with the purpose of preventing further pregnancies.
Very truly yours,
W. Ashby Frankland
Letter of the Day: March 11
Some now-amusing counterpoints in a donation. The bold notes indicate the disposition of the specimen – Dr. W is presumably Dr. Woodward, who was in charge of the medical (ie disease) section.
Post Hospital
Fort Duncan, Texas
March 11th, 1875
To the
Surgeon General, U.S. Army
Washington D.C.
I have the honor to inform you that I have this day turned over for transportation to the A.A.Q.M. of this Post the following specimens.
6534 Surg Sec. The hand and wrist joint of Clayton Mathews. Amputation previously reported.
Dr. W. The heart of ______ Trenchard, citizen, who died under my observation of double pneumonia.
Dr. W. A kidney from bullock (furnished for beef,) with kidney concretions.
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
C.C. Gray
Surgeon U.S. Army
Post Surgeon
Photo of the day, March 11
Representing contemporary medicine in museums -- Copenhagen 16-18 September 2010
How do museums today handle the material and visual heritage of contemporary medical and health science and technology? How do curators wield the increasing amount and kinds of more or less intangible and invisible scientific, medical and digital objects? Which intellectual, conceptual, and practical questions does this challenge give rise to?
We're aiming for two intensive days with visually enhanced presentations, good discussions and excellent food in beautiful surroundings.
Read the full call here: or here:
Send proposals for presentations, panels etc. to, not later than Monday 29 March.
Program committee:
Ken Arnold, Wellcome Collection, London
Robert Bud, Science Museum, London
Judy Chelnick, National Museum of American History, Washington, D.C.
Mieneke te Hennepe, Boerhaave Museum, Leiden
Thomas Soderqvist, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen (chair).
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Changes on the Museum floor
Some of the iconic items in the exhibit are being put in a new exhibit being prepared by the exhibits staff.
Letter of the Day: March 10
We’d like to again thank COL Barnes and Mr & Mrs Weaver.
Presentation of Instrument to Medical Museum
10 March 1959
Col F M Townsend, USAF (MC) Deputy Director, AFIP
Capt W M Silliphant, MC, USN The Director, AFIP
Col Joe M Blumberg, MC, USA Deputy Director, AFIP
IN TURN (copy for each)
1. Mr. B. Woodruff Weaver, a Washington lawyer, and his wife would like to present on behalf of their uncle, Colonel Theodore Barnes, USA (Ret), now living in Florida, a signed, 16-blade scarificator to the Museum.
2. The circumstances which led to this presentation are:
a. Mrs. Weaver first saw this instrument at the Antique Show at the Shoreham Hotel and telephoned to ask if the Museum would be interested in having it and, if so, she suggested that a representative of the Museum examine this instrument. If it would make a worthwhile addition to the Museum’s collection, and if the price seemed to be fair, to so inform her and she would take steps to purchase it.
b. A member of the staff of the Museum examined the instrument. It was found to be a signed model and unlike any other in the Museum. The price of $35.00 seemed reasonable and Mrs. Weaver was so informed.
c. As Mr. Weaver had been asked by his uncle to procure rare or unique items for museums, he took immediate steps to purchase this instrument for the Medical Museum.
3. It would be very much appreciated if Captain Silliphant would formally accept the scarificator and Colonel Townsend and Colonel Blumberg could be present. As Mr. and Mrs. Weaver seem interested in donating rare and unusual items to Museums, formal acceptance of this scarificator might be the opening wedge for them and for other philanthropic persons to take a more active interest, in a material way, in the Medical Museum.
4. Assuming Captain Silliphant would be willing to accept the scarificator, information is requested as to whether he would be available on any of the dates indicated in the following table or whether he would have a preference for any particular one. These dates are all satisfactory to the Weavers. The time would be either at 1030 or 1430 hours. [TABLE NOT RETYPED]
5. It is also suggested that Colonel Townsend and Colonel Blumberg indicate their intention of presence.
6. All of the scarificators in the Museum’s collection will be on display in the Curator’s office.
7. No luncheon is planned, but tea and coffee will be served.
8. A press release will be sent to LCdr Parker with the request that he and a photographer be present at the ceremony.
Albert E Minns Jr, Col, MSC
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Letter of the day, March 9
March 9, 1875
Professor J. Henry.
Respectfully returned. Beautiful plates of the microscopical appearances of various kinds of milk can be found in the Atlas of the "Cours de Microscop[i]e," of A. Donné, Paris, 1845, Plates XVII, XVIII, and XIX, and very good woodcuts, with an excellent account of the subject, in the article on "Milk and its adulterations," in Arthur Hill, Hasslin [Hassall] "Adulterations Detected," 2nd Edit, London, 1811, p. 205.
Very respectfully,
J.J. Woodward
Accession of the day, March 9
A.M.M. [Army Medical Museum] No. 10156
Pathological Section
Washington, D.C.
March 9, 1891
Robinson Dr. C.B.
Veterinary Surgeon
Foetal bones, said to have been discharged from the uterus of a mare, about 12 years old. Owned by Senator J.S. Barbour of Virginia.
It is stated that she had not been put to a horse for 6 years.
History received verbally
Specimen received Mar. 8, 1891
Monday, March 8, 2010
Letter of the Day: March 8
Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 553
March 8, 1895, Mr. S. B. Taylor, No. 1626, 7th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. presents a specimen of oyster blenny (Chasmodes boscianus).
A.M.M. No. 10813 Pathological Section.
Some info on card 10813
Given that this is a species of fish that lives in mangrove roots in warm water, I have no idea why we gave it a pathological section number. It was undoubtedly for the Comparative Anatomy section.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Accession of the day, March 7
Dispensary received Mar. 7, 1901
Extract from Letter of Ludwig Rosenthal, filed in the Library Branch, Mus. & Lib. Division.
Hildegard - Strasse 16
Nov. 14, 1900.
To the Library of the Surgeon General's Office,
Washington, D.C.
I beg to report if not sold meanwhile:
Little house-dispensary with contents, XVI-XVIIth century. The little shrine, worked in black ebony is inlaid and ornamented with ivory and marble. Lock, angles, rings, etc. in gilt iron with artfully worked heads and foliage. The opened (lead) lid shows 15 divisions, in which are kept little glasses with brass clasps and two engraved little silver boxes. One division is empty; the narrow sides form pushers opening little drawers and secret panels, wherein are remnants of pills and three colored tablets with the impressed inscription "Terra Sigillata" 1851 and the monograms K. B with a crown. In another secret panel a tin box with old salve. At the lower part of the shrine are two drawers, where the instruments may have been kept.
This little shrine is artistically and carefully worked and well kept. H. 16.4 cm, L 27 cm depth 16.5 cm.
Price M. 250.
Letter of the Day: March 7
Whitehorse Road
Croydon, near London
Mar. 7 .99
To Dr. J. S. Billings
Dear Sir
You may recollect some years ago having some correspondence with my father (the late Dr. John Mayall jun.) regarding the acquisition of Noberts Ruling Machine, but that it was not then for sale.
After my father’s death I acquired the machine, but now owing to serious domestic troubles I am closing up my home, & am writing back if you would like to purchase the machine for your museum.
My father looked upon it as one of the wonders of the mechanical world which it undoubtedly is, & thought it should be in a museum where it could be seen & appreciated.
The machine has been preserved with the utmost care, all accessories, the diamonds for the rulings, Noberts original notes, together with a translation, are all intact.
The price of the machine is L200, & if you decide to purchase it, I will have it most carefully packed.
I enclose a set of photographs showing different views of the machine, accessories etc, also a copy of the Soc. Of Arts Journal containing the paper read by my father before that society.
I am Sir
Yrs faithfully
(Mrs.) L.C.E. Taylor
[the photographs were given the numbers CP 3770-3773]
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Letter of the Day: March 6 (2 of 2)
Washington, March 6, 1896
My dear Doctor:-
I hardly think it worth while to purchase a new Ruhmkoff coil for the purpose of making experiments with the Roentgen rays. Very active experimental work is going on in different parts of the country and it is not probably that any experiments that you would find time to make would add anything of importance to our knowledge of these rays and their practical application in medicine. I judge that neither yourself nor anyone else at the Museum competent to make such experiments has the time for original research work, and it is hardly worth while to experiment simply for the purpose of verifying that is done by others. Later, when the exact practical value of photography by these rays has been determined, we may want the necessary apparatus in order to assist in the diagnosis of cases occurring in the District, to which the new method may be applicable.
Have you seen the last number of the American Journal of the Medical Sciences containing a number of photographs and an account of experiments which have been made in Philadelphia?
Very truly yours,
Geo. M. Sternbertg
Lieut. Col. D. L. Huntington,
Deputy Surgeon General, U.S. Army
Washington, D.C.