An unofficial blog about the National Museum of Health and Medicine (nee the Army Medical Museum) in Silver Spring, MD. Visit for news about the museum, new projects, musing on the history of medicine and neat pictures.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Accession of the day, March 9
A.M.M. [Army Medical Museum] No. 10156
Pathological Section
Washington, D.C.
March 9, 1891
Robinson Dr. C.B.
Veterinary Surgeon
Foetal bones, said to have been discharged from the uterus of a mare, about 12 years old. Owned by Senator J.S. Barbour of Virginia.
It is stated that she had not been put to a horse for 6 years.
History received verbally
Specimen received Mar. 8, 1891
Monday, March 8, 2010
Letter of the Day: March 8
Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 553
March 8, 1895, Mr. S. B. Taylor, No. 1626, 7th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. presents a specimen of oyster blenny (Chasmodes boscianus).
A.M.M. No. 10813 Pathological Section.
Some info on card 10813
Given that this is a species of fish that lives in mangrove roots in warm water, I have no idea why we gave it a pathological section number. It was undoubtedly for the Comparative Anatomy section.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Accession of the day, March 7
Dispensary received Mar. 7, 1901
Extract from Letter of Ludwig Rosenthal, filed in the Library Branch, Mus. & Lib. Division.
Hildegard - Strasse 16
Nov. 14, 1900.
To the Library of the Surgeon General's Office,
Washington, D.C.
I beg to report if not sold meanwhile:
Little house-dispensary with contents, XVI-XVIIth century. The little shrine, worked in black ebony is inlaid and ornamented with ivory and marble. Lock, angles, rings, etc. in gilt iron with artfully worked heads and foliage. The opened (lead) lid shows 15 divisions, in which are kept little glasses with brass clasps and two engraved little silver boxes. One division is empty; the narrow sides form pushers opening little drawers and secret panels, wherein are remnants of pills and three colored tablets with the impressed inscription "Terra Sigillata" 1851 and the monograms K. B with a crown. In another secret panel a tin box with old salve. At the lower part of the shrine are two drawers, where the instruments may have been kept.
This little shrine is artistically and carefully worked and well kept. H. 16.4 cm, L 27 cm depth 16.5 cm.
Price M. 250.
Letter of the Day: March 7
Whitehorse Road
Croydon, near London
Mar. 7 .99
To Dr. J. S. Billings
Dear Sir
You may recollect some years ago having some correspondence with my father (the late Dr. John Mayall jun.) regarding the acquisition of Noberts Ruling Machine, but that it was not then for sale.
After my father’s death I acquired the machine, but now owing to serious domestic troubles I am closing up my home, & am writing back if you would like to purchase the machine for your museum.
My father looked upon it as one of the wonders of the mechanical world which it undoubtedly is, & thought it should be in a museum where it could be seen & appreciated.
The machine has been preserved with the utmost care, all accessories, the diamonds for the rulings, Noberts original notes, together with a translation, are all intact.
The price of the machine is L200, & if you decide to purchase it, I will have it most carefully packed.
I enclose a set of photographs showing different views of the machine, accessories etc, also a copy of the Soc. Of Arts Journal containing the paper read by my father before that society.
I am Sir
Yrs faithfully
(Mrs.) L.C.E. Taylor
[the photographs were given the numbers CP 3770-3773]
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Letter of the Day: March 6 (2 of 2)
Washington, March 6, 1896
My dear Doctor:-
I hardly think it worth while to purchase a new Ruhmkoff coil for the purpose of making experiments with the Roentgen rays. Very active experimental work is going on in different parts of the country and it is not probably that any experiments that you would find time to make would add anything of importance to our knowledge of these rays and their practical application in medicine. I judge that neither yourself nor anyone else at the Museum competent to make such experiments has the time for original research work, and it is hardly worth while to experiment simply for the purpose of verifying that is done by others. Later, when the exact practical value of photography by these rays has been determined, we may want the necessary apparatus in order to assist in the diagnosis of cases occurring in the District, to which the new method may be applicable.
Have you seen the last number of the American Journal of the Medical Sciences containing a number of photographs and an account of experiments which have been made in Philadelphia?
Very truly yours,
Geo. M. Sternbertg
Lieut. Col. D. L. Huntington,
Deputy Surgeon General, U.S. Army
Washington, D.C.
Letter of the day, March 6 (1 of 2)
Yale University
The School of Medicine
Affiliated with the New Haven Hospital
on the
Anthony N. Brady Memorial Foundation
Laboratory of
Pathology and Bacteriology
New Haven, Connecticut
March 6, 1919
Colonel Charles F. Craig,
Army Medical Museum
Washington, D.C.
My Dear Colonel Craig:
I am sending you, under separate cover, four illustrations of the lung in influenza, which were done by artists from the Army Medical Museum. The autopsy numbers of these cases is on the illustration, and there is attached an anatomical diagnosis of the case. I have, besides these four illustrations, eight colored drawings of more or less similar lesions of the respiratory tract in influenza. They are as follows:
Aut. No. 1. Trachea showing an accute hemorrhagic inflammation.
" " 2 &3. Pleural surface and cross section of lobular pneumonia in influenza.
" " 4 &5. Pleural surface and cross section of the lobar type of inflammation.
" " 6. Fibrinopurulent pleurisy
" " 7 &8. Cross sections of subacute and chronic necrotizing and organizing pneumonia.
There are besides these illustrations of influenzal pneumonia, one hundred and thirty-eight gross and microscopic drawings and photo micrographs of the lungs of animals that have died or were killed after exposure to one of the following poisonous gases; chlorine, phosgene, chloropicrin, mustard, cyanogen, chloride, bromide, arsene, organic arsenic compounds, and superpalite.
The monograph which includes these illustrations is in the hands of the Yale Press. A complete list of the illustrations has been furnished to Colonel Lyster of the Chemical Warfare Service, and I have no other list of them to submit at the present time. Of course, it can be made if you feel that is is absolutely necessary.
Very truly yours,
[Major M. Winternitz]
Friday, March 5, 2010
Letter of the Day: March 5
Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 542
March 5, 1895, Lieut. Col. W.H. Forwood, Dep. Surgeon General, U.S.A., Attending Surgeon, U.S. Soldiers’ Home, Washington, D.C., contributes specimens from case of cardiac dropsy. John Crinian, Co. “E”, 4th Infantry.
Need not ask for history.
A.M.M. No. 10822 Path. Sect., 3318 Prov. Path Sect. and 822 Prov. Anat. Sect.
Timothy O'Sullivan at American Art museum
Wednesday March 17, 2010
Gallery Talks with Toby Jurovics
6:00 PM
Meet in the G Street Lobby
American Art Museum
Thursday April 22, 2010
Gallery Talks with Toby Jurovics
6:00 PM
Meet in the G Street Lobby
American Art Museum
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Letter of the day, March 4
War Department
Office of the Surgeon General
Army Medical Museum and Library
March 4th, 1919
Circular Letter No. 121.
Subject: Reproduction of Interesting Lesions in Wax.
1. There is present at the Army Medical Museum an expert in the reproduction of various lesion of the skin in wax. A considerable number of models have been made during the war and it is desired to make this collection as excellent and as representative as possible.
2. The following types of cases can be well represented in wax: chronic or unhealed ulcers following various types of wounds; unhealed lesions resulting from gas burns; unusual scar formations; and unusual skin diseases. Such lesions can be most naturally reproduced by wax models and it is believed that many of the hospitals receiving cases from overseas have cases of this nature which should be reproduced for permanent record.
3. As it is impossible for the one worker in wax models to travel from place to place, it is requested that when such cases occur at any Army hospital they be reported to the Surgeon General’s office, attention the Laboratory Division, with a brief description of the case and probable permanence of the lesion at the time, accompanied by a rough unmounted photograph if possible to obtain the same.
4. It is intended to order especially interesting cases of this character to the Walter Reed Hospital for further treatment and for the production of the model which will be a permanent exhibit in the Army Medical Museum.
By direction of The Surgeon General:
C.R. Darnell,
Colonel, Medical Corps, U.S.A.
Executive Officer
Copy to:
Commanding Officers of all
Base Hospitals,
General Hospitals,
Embarkation Hospitals
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
How fast is the Museum growing?
That’s an impossible question to answer for the most part, but here’s a factoid. Our scans of existing photographs and papers have made it up to 932 gigabytes. That’s for about 750,000 images, and we have 400,000 planned for this 2010 fiscal year.
Letter of the Day: March 3 (2 of 2)
Brooklyn, Mar. 3. 68
My dear Doctor,
Your favor of the 29th Ult. Is just received and I feel greatly obliged to you for the advice you have tendered me in reference to Francis, of which I shall avail myself.
It is a pity that the examining surgeons of Brooklyn have been ill-chosen. None of them enjoys reputation or public confidence, and Burdick belongs to the eclectic school of quackery. I doubt very much whether one of them is capable to realize the actual condition of the patient. However I will assist in the matter and see that justice is meted out in the premises.
The specimen you refer to is at your disposal and will be sent with the others, if you deem it worth your while to add it to the museum. I am however, unable to furnish you with the items of the case to which I paid no attention when at Fortress Monroe. Dr. Bontecou of Troy N.Y. may be able to furnish you with the desired information, for he was the medical director of the Hygeia Hospital at the time. The specimen intended for you I shall send at my swiftest leisure.
Very sincerely yours
Louis Bauer
Geo A. Otis, M.D.
Lieut. Col. & Asst. Surg. U.S.A.
PS In what way will I send it so as to incur no expenses.
Women's History Month program at the Medical Museum
Women’s History Month program at the Medical Museum -- "A Lady Alone" Elizabeth Blackwell: First American Woman Doctor
Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Suitable for ages 10 & up
Celebrate Women's History Month at the National Museum of Health and Medicine with a one-act play about Elizabeth Blackwell, the first American woman doctor. Written by Harvard playwright N. Lynn Eckhert, M.D., this one-actress play, performed by Linda Gray Kelley, tells the story of Blackwell, who in addition to being the first woman to receive her medical degree in the United States, founded her own infirmary in New York (when other hospitals would not accept her as a doctor) and trained nurses during the Civil War. During the play, Kelley acts as Blackwell's fellow classmates and colleagues in addition to the doctor herself. “A Lady Alone” is a production of Theatre Rising Unlimited
Cost: Free!
The National Museum of Health and Medicine
6900 Georgia Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20307
NMHM is located in Building 54 on the campus of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Visitor parking is available in the driveway in front of the museum. Additional free parking is available throughout the campus on weekends. No registration is required, but seating is limited.
SPECIAL NOTE: Adults are required to present photo ID to gain entry to Walter Reed.
For more information, visit For specific information about directions and parking, visit
NMHM on Twitter:
NMHM on Facebook:
Letter of the Day: March 3 (1 of 2)
Camp Verde, A.T. [Arizona Territory]
March 3rd 1871
Asst. Surgeon G.A. Otis, U.S.A.
Curator, Army Medical Museum
Washington D.C.
In answer to your letter of January 30th requesting specimen in the case of Pvt. Kinnear, I regret to state that the specimen cannot be procured; it was buried with the intention of being forwarded to the Army Med. Museum if desired, but the coyotes unearthed it, and no trace of it can be discovered.
Pvt. Kinnear was an unfavorable subject for operation, having received treatment for chronic dysentery for six months previous to the accident, he was also addicted to the use of alcoholic liquors.
The accident occurred about four miles from the Post, and he was not seen by the Doctor until four hours subsequent to the injury.
On examination, the knee joint was found to be seriously involved, the inner condyle fractured, and the soft parts badly lacerated, his condition was bad; the operation was delayed for some time to enable him to recover from the shock.
Amputation was performed, the lateral flap method, he did not completely rally from its effects, he died ninety-nine hours after, from the conjoined effects of shock hemorrhage and pyaemia.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Sert.
A.F. Steigers
Act. Asst. Surg. U.S.A.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Clinico Motion Pictures
LaFonda's Degree
LaFonda just brought in her diploma to show us. She showed the same spirit in working towards her degree as she always shows on the job, and now she's the proud owner of a Bachelors Degree in International Business.
Congratulations, LaFonda! We're so proud of you.
And, no, you can't have her.
Letter of the Day: March 2
We may very well have the type of oil wrong.
Baton Rouge Barracks, La.
March 2, 1878
Surgeon General U.S.A.
Washington, D.C.
I have the honor to state that I have delivered to the A.A.Q.M. [Acting Assistant Quarter Master], at this Post for transportation to the Army Medical Museum, a small vial containing the head of a Tape Worm. Taenia solium? It was discharged by a child 2 ½ years of age on May 12, 1876.The child had been treated for the worm at different times, for more than a year previous to that time.
Treatment – Complete starvation for twenty-four hours – The administration at the end of that time of Zi oil of Male Fern – and the repetition of the same does with Z; castor oil 12 hours subsequently. The patient has been entirely free from any signs of Tape Worm from that time to the present. I trust the contribution though small, may be acceptable.
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
(Signed) M. E. Taylor
Assistant Surgeon U.S.A.
Post Surgeon
A true copy
George A. Otis
Asst Surg. USA
Monday, March 1, 2010
Morality and exhibits?
The first article specifically raises some items that you naturally find in a medical museum. On the other side, I don't actually believe that the National Museum of Crime and Punishment is actually a museum - I think it's closer to an attraction, or a tiny theme park. Beyond that, I don't think the exhibit of a serial killers car tells you anything about the killer. On the other hand, if it is still in existence and people want to pay to see it - well, I, personally, am ok with that too.
Why some art should be censored
Shreveport Times (February 28, 2010)
Another sort of case concerns the use of human corpses in art. There is a venerable tradition of showing the dead for various reasons, as in Rembrandt's famous The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp or Goya's depictions of the horrors of war — not to mention numerous crucifixions. News coverage sometimes courts the grisly by its depictions of the deceased. A case where I supported censorship involved Cincinnati artist Thomas Condon who was prosecuted for photographs he took of corpses in 2001. He gained access to the corpses illegally and staged images without the knowledge or permission of their families.
George Packer, Letter from Dresden, “Embers: Will Dresden Finally Confront Its Past?” The New Yorker, February 1, 2010, p. 33
Ted Bundy's VW goes on display at D.C. crime museum, but should it?
By Philip Kennicott
Friday, February 19, 2010
Letter of the Day: March 1 (2 of 2)
Ward's Natural Science Establishment
Nos. 16-26 College Avenue (opposite University),
Rochester, N.Y., March 1 1886
Dr. John S. Billings,
Army Medical Museum.
Dear Sir,
I have lately received directly from Australia a fine Foetus of Dugong (Holicore australis) in alcohol. It is about 3 ½ feet long, and is in excellent condition. Price is $75.
Heart, & Penis, & Eyes of adult Dugong in alcohol, $18.
I still have Heart of Jumbo in alcohol $30
Or, the whole lot for $118.
Shall I send by Express or Freight?!
Very truly yours,
Henry A. Ward.
No hurry about payment.
Photos of the day, March 1
It’s turned out to be much easier to find a letter of the day (see our blog at if you’re viewing this on Flickr) than a photo with a date attached, but today we were successful. Here are two photos of the same patient who suffered a gunshot wound of the shoulder during the Korean War. They’re labeled 53-8668-5 and 53-8668-6, from the Korean War Ballistics photo collection.
Letter of the Day: March 1 (1 of 2)
The citations listed here may very well be spelled wrong as the letter was hard to read.
Mar 1 / 86
1362 N Gilman [Baltimore, MD]
Dr. Jno S. Billings U.S.A.
My dear Doctor,
Dr. Alex H. Bayly of Cambridge, MD, used the artificial magnet successfully in removing spicula of iron from the cornea, in 1846.
I claim that this is the first use – not only in Maryland, but in the U.S.
I am looking up the literature of the subject to trace the earliest use of the magnet in Eye Surgery.
If you have the works below in your library, will you be good enough to give me the passages cited that have a bearing on this point, and the date of editions you quote from –
Matthiohrs Commentaria in Discodene Let 5 @ 105
Kirchringius Spicilegia Anat – Observ. 44
Fabicius Hildassus Guliet. Cent -5. Observ. 21 “Descoria chalybis cornea infixa ejusdemque inginiossissima curatone”
With much resp.
Yours truly
Jno. R. Quinan
Note reads “References & quotations sent March 6th 1886.”
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Letter of the Day, February 28. Reply to "What can the blind see in their dreams"?
State of California
Department of Education
California School for the Blind
3001 Derby Street
Berkeley, California
February 28, 1938
Dr. R. de R. Barondes
291 Geary Street
San Francisco, California
Dear Dr. Barondes:
In answer to your letter of February 24 I will say first that there is some literature on the imagery of those born totally blind. I do not have it in hand just at present but could secure it for you if you so desire.
Helen Keller has a most interesting book called “The World I Live In.” In it she discusses the senses and touches somewhat on her dream world. It must be remembered, of course, that Helen lost her sight when she was about eighteen months old and, therefore, must have residuary sense impressions on which to draw. This would be largely true of many persons totally blind even where sight was lost very early.
The case of a person born totally blind is very rare. We have, however, at the present time one such authentic case, that of a young woman who is a graduate student in our music department. You might like to question her and I am very sure that she would consent to being questioned.
If your time permits you are perfectly welcome to visit the School and I shall be happy to make arrangements for the carrying out of any investigation you might like to make.
Very truly yours,
R.S. French
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Letter of the day, February 27
Surgeon General's Office,
U.S. Army Medical Museum and Library
Corner 7th and B Streets SW
Washington February 27, 1902
Dr. H.R. Storer,
230 Central Park South
New York, N.Y.
Dear Sir:
Your note of the 17th inst. has been received. We have had no accession to our collection since November last.
The plaster medaillon [sic] of Dr. A.P. Southwick in our collection, has on the back: "By T.S. Hitchcock, M.D.S. Sculptor, Oswego, New York, 1898". Your remark in reference to Alfred Porter, S. of Buffalo, N.Y., has been noted.
The only reference to the Hope medal in our Library is found in: An account of the Life, Writings and Character of the late Dr. John Pope, &c. by Andrew Duncan, M.D.F.R.S.&A.S. Ed., Edinburgh, 1789, p.20, as follows: "By bestowing entirely at his own expense, an annual gold medal, as a testimony of superior merit, he gave a spur to exertion, from which the toils of study were alleviated by love of fame".
In the Congressional Library are the "Memoirs and Correspondence of Sir James Edward Smith, by Lady Smith, London, 1832. and on page 63 of the 1st volume, Sir James writes to his father under date Edinburgh, December 31, 1782: ["]I am to have Dr. Hope's medal, but 'tis not yet come from London".
No description of the medal is given in either reference.
Very truly,
Calvin DeWitt
Col. & Asst. Surgeon General, U.S.A.
In charge of Museum & Library Division
Obituary for children's health advocate
Friday, February 26, 2010
Obituary for man who accidentally ended testing drugs on prisoners
Dr. Albert M. Kligman, Dermatologist, Dies at 93
New York Times February 22, 2010
Dr. Kligman was hailed for inventing the widely used acne medication Retin-A, but was criticized for tests that used inmates.
Washington Humane Society
Woodcuts on the Internet Archive
Letter of the day, February 26
February 26, 1887
Will you have the kindness to return to me the drawings for the iron work of the bookstack for the new Army Medical Museum and Library building if you have no further use for them. I enclose an addressed frank.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant
(Signed) John S. Billings
Surgeon U.S. Army
Copies of this letter were sent to:
Builder's Iron Foundry
Providence, R.I.
Manly & Cooper Manuf. Co.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Bartlett, Hayward & Co.,
Baltimore, Md.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Letter of the day, February 25
War Department,
Surgeon General’s Office,
U.S. Army Medical Museum and Library,
Corner 7th and B Streets S.W.,
Washington, February 25, 1899
I am anxious to secure for the Museum examples of artificial limbs-upper and lower extremity- which collectively will show the progress of this art, from its rude beginnings to its present mechanical perfection. It is desired especially to make this illustration historically complete, so that your assistance is requested, not only as to existing finished apparatus of your own device and manufacture, but as to the existence and supply of older devices which would naturally form part of an illustrative collection. Where information is contained in catalogues those will be sufficient; but reference is solicited to sources from which the older specimens may be obtained, with a brief description of the apparatus- and prices.
Very respectfully,
Dallas Bache
Col. & Asst. Surgeon General, U.S.A.
In charge of Museum & Library Division
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Projected start date: March 1, 2010
Apply here:
Massachusetts General Hospital intends to build and establish a new
museum on its main campus in downtown Boston. The Mass General Museum is
to be located in a prominent location on Cambridge Street, a highly
visible and public edge of the main campus facing Beacon Hill to the
By means of exciting and enriching exhibits and educational programs,
the intent of the Museum is to serve the hospital of which it is a part,
the medical profession and researchers, and a wider audience that
includes patients, visitors and the general public. The museum will also
be a "venue of distinction" for receptions, functions, and dinners.
Included is the Mass General archives, which is the repository of
documents and records closely associated with the history of the Mass
General. Safe and secure access to the full archives and providing
reading room accommodation for researchers on site is an important
function of the history program.
The position of Interim Museum Director/Consultant is of 9 to 12 months'
duration during which time architectural planning and exhibition design
will be in progress. In addition, policy and procedure development,
financial planning, fundraising, and personnel preparation (paid staff
and volunteers) for the museum and archives will proceed. It is the
intention of the Hospital to succeed this temporary appointment with a
full-time position, contingent upon sufficient funding.
The museum director will be responsible for the development and
implementation of policies and procedures of the Mass General museum.
The director will work closely with the Mass General History Committee
and other subcommittees to ensure effective communication and is the
lead spokesperson and advocate for the museum within the internal and
external community. With senior management, the museum director assumes
financial and operational authority for the museum within budgetary
guidelines. The director oversees curatorial activities, art and
artifact collection, archives, database, website, and all educational
programming activities. The director supervises all museum staff and
During the course of design and construction, the museum director will
work closely with senior management, the project manager, architects and
engineers, exhibition design consultants, volunteers, the Mass General
History Committee, and other parties engaged in the development of the
* Works with the Mass General History Committee and senior leadership to
develop and adhere to the mission, goals, and objectives of the museum.
Directs and leads the implementation and articulation of these goals in
a collaborative and cooperative manner.
* Understands the unique nature of the museum within the context of the
hospital community (patients, families, staff, clinical providers, and
* Provides vision and dynamic personal leadership to internal museum
staff and external community regarding museum strategy, programming
initiatives, and mission. Serves as the key spokesperson for the museum.
* Develops policies and procedures that govern all areas of museum
operations including collection management, curatorial operations,
storage, exhibition design and evaluation, accessibility, education and
programming, registration and database, archives, research,
conservation, website, and communications. Adheres to and keeps current
with all privacy policies instituted within the hospital setting.
* Develops annual operating and capital budgets for the museum.
Monitors operating budget versus actual expenses and identifies
* Supervises professional staff, non-professional administrative staff,
and volunteers. Performs annual performance appraisals.
* Recommends capital budget proposals regarding equipment, space, and
* Manages the recruitment, interviewing, hiring and training of museum
staff. Initiates corrective action as necessary according to Mass
General policies and procedures.
* Insures compliance with the legal requirements that govern museums and
non-profit institutions.
* Works collaboratively with Public Affairs and Marketing to develop
appropriate communication and marketing materials.
* Works collaboratively with Mass General Development Office to assist
in the creation of philanthropic case statements, prospect contact,
cultivation, and stewardship of existing donors.
* Develops strong volunteer engagement, retention and recruitment
programs in coordination with the Ladies Visiting Committee and the Mass
General Volunteer Department.
* Develops docent training program for staff and volunteers.
* Facilitates and encourages continuing education for museum staff and
* Maintains a clean, safe, and inviting physical environment within the
museum and archives. Maintains proper conditions within museum and
storage areas for collection and archives.
* Develops disaster plan in accordance with Mass General policies and
communicates plan to staff. Recognizes special requirements of Mass
General collection and archives.
* Works with internal museum staff, key hospital staff and committees,
as well as external stakeholders to develop content for unique
educational programs within the museum.
* Develops inspirational educational programming, seeking direction from
the museum's mission statement and Mass General community.
* Evaluates the effectiveness of exhibitions and educational programs
and makes improvements as necessary.
* Develops and implements educational programs adjunct to onsite
exhibits. May include workshops, special lectures and visiting experts.
* Submits funding proposals to appropriate agencies for special
* Monitors awarded grants for compliance, balanced budget, and funder
* Works with Mass General Research Management office to comply with
internal and external grant requirements.
* Master's Degree required. Doctoral degree with strong research
background would be of interest.
* Museum experience required.
* Supervisory and management experience required.
* Strong communication skills, both oral and written, with the ability
to show flexibility within an increasingly diverse and complex
* Strong customer service and interpersonal skills.
Hubert Murray FAIA RIBA
Senior Project Manager
MGH Planning and Construction
all correspondence to be addressed to:
Partners HealthCare Inc.
101 Merrimac Street, Suite 800
Boston, MA 02114-4719
T | 617.643.6414 F | 617.724.2740
Letter of the Day, February 24
February 24, 1938
The Superintendent,
California School for the Blind.
Berkeley, California.
Dear Sir:
Being more or less interested in medical research, I write you hoping you might be able to inform me regarding the following: I am curious to learn if those blind from birth ever dream of “seeing”, i.e., are they able in their own manner, to describe objects that appear in their dreams. They no doubt may dream they feel certain objects and describe them satisfactorily such as being heavy, cold, hot, sharp, etc., but this is not what I have reference to. It is said one my not dream or anything unless one has had a similar experience of waking life: we know this not to be an actual fact.
Not having the opportunity to interrogate those so unfortunately handicapped, I thought perhaps you might be able to give me the information as to the description of the dreams of the blind and the mute.
Thanking you kindly for any information you may send me, I am,
Very yours truly, R. De r. Barondes
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Letter of the Day: February 23 (2 of 2)
U.S.A. Post Hospital
Jacksonville, Fla
February 23, 1869
I have the honor to forward you the receipts signed, and desire to be informed if the alligator when received was in good condition, as the delay caused by Quartermasters has been considerable, about six or seven weeks from Jacksonville to Washington!
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servt
Theodore Artrand
Brevt Lt Colonel Otis U.S.A.
Curator Medical Museum
Washington, D.C.
Letter of the Day: February 23 (1 of2)
Col Rucker
The 86th Regt N.Y. Vols. Being ordered to remove from Camp Griffin, Va. to Fort Good Hope, Md., you are requested to furnish transportation. 100 wagons will be required.
(Sgd.) Byron Spruce RQM
Endorsed by Col. Rucker as follows
100 Wagons & 20 four-horse ambulances furnished Feby 23.
(Sgd.) D.H.R.
The above will show the amount of transportation required to move a regiment 4 miles in the month of February 1862.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Bottled, but not monsters
Letter of the Day: February 11 makeup
Another letter showing the Museum’s move towards being a Pathology Institute.
Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 1252
United States Indian Service,
Pine Ridge Agency, S.D. [South Dakota]
2/11/96 [1896]
To the Surgeon General, U.S.A.
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir:
I send you by this mail a little box containing a pill box, in which is a tiny tumor which I removed from an Irish lady’s gum, at the margin and between the upper central incisors. The tumor has been removed, 3 times, but recurs. By soaking the specimen, its nature can be ascertained under the microscope ,and if not too much trouble may I ask you what is its pathology?
Very Truly & Sincerely,
Z.T. Daniel
Handwritten Note: Tumor received Feb. 15, 1896
The letter sent back reads:
March 5, 1896
Dr. Z.T. Daniel,
U.S. Indian Service,
Pine Ridge Agency,
So. Dakota
Dear Doctor:
I received, on February 15, 1896, through the Surgeon General, a pill box in which was contained a tiny fragment of a tumor, described as having been removed by you from an Irish lady’s gum. The appearance of the fragment of material contained in the box did not lead one to anticipate that a microscopical examination would give any result, inasmuch as you omitted to place it in any hardening fluid. No amount of soaking the specimen, as suggested by you, would be of any use, since, upon section, we found that there had been a complete destruction of all nuclei and cells contained in the tumor. For this reason it is impossible for us to ascertain anything concerning the microscopical character of this growth. If, however, you will remove another fragment of the tumor, and place it at once in 95% alcohol, and forward it to me, I will take pleasure in informing you as to the true character of the growth.
Very respectfully,
Walter Reed
Surgeon, U.S. Army
The issue of what an Indian Service doctor was doing treating an Irish lady remains unsolved as well.
Letter of the Day: February 10 makeup
Office Post Surgeon
Department of the Arkansas,
Headquarters, U.S. Forces,
Mouth of White River, Ark., Feby 10th 1865
Brig Gen’l J.K. Barnes,
Surgeon General U.S.A.
I have the honor to present & express to you, the skeleton of a Rebel “Guerilla,” who was wounded in an attempt to capture this Post in June last.
I found his remains whilst out riding yesterday, about ½ mile in the rear of the Camp at this place, at which Place, I am informed he was carried by his comrades, & died from his wounds. I shall endeavor to get a history of his case, & forward to you, as it may no doubt be of interest to the profession.
I have the honor to be General,
Very respectfully
Your obdt. Servt.
H.S. Hammen
A.A. Surgeon U.S.A.
Post Surgeon
Letter of the day, February 9 follow-up
Letter of the Day: February 9 makeup
The Wheeler survey last for years and generated a lot of data, including lovely Timothy O’Sullivan photographs. Yarrow worked directly for the Museum soon after this letter was written.
United States Engineer Office,
Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian,
Washington, D.C., Feb 9th, 1874
Bvt Lt. Col. G. Otis, USA
Dear Sir
Some time since we forwarded to the Army Med. Museum some fragments of Indian Crania collected by Lt. Wheeler’s expedition in 1873. Will you kindly inform us if such specimens were rec’d.
Very Resp.
Your obt. Svt.
H.C. Yarrow
Surg & Nat[uralist] to Exped[ition]
Letter of the Day: February 22
Feb 22 1871
General –
One day last week I sent you, by Express, a Tumor weighing 41 ½ pounds. It was taken from the abdomen of a man, after death. I made the post mortem for Dr. Brown of this city who promised to send me a history of the case on the following day. The Dr. called at my office last evening and said that he had been so buys in his practice that he had found no time to write the history but promised to see to it and send it to me this morning.
I have not yet received it, but will without doubt receive it in a day or two, and will then forwarded it to you with post mortem appearances.
This morning Hiram B. Smith, late Private 9th Co. Ohio Sharper Shooters called on me. He was a patient of mine at Armory Squa5e hospital suffering from gunshot fracture of the middle third of left femur. He was wounded Aug 19, 1864on the Weldon Rail Road – admitted at Armory Square Hopt. Aug 28th 1864 – transferred to Detroit, Mich. April 20th, 1865 and discharged from service at that Hospital (Harper) Nov. 11th 1865.
I have had a photograph taken and will send you a copy with a brief history in a few days.
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Geo. K. Smith
Late AA Surg U.S.A.
To Surgeon Gen. U.S.A.
Washington D.C.
P.S. The address of Hiram B. Smith is Weston Wood Co., Ohio. GKS
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wash Post on Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum
Letter of the Day: February 21
This is what is more commonly known as a soap lady, like the one in the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. Perhaps it’s the same one?
This letter was written 2 days before Otis died on the job.
Smithsonian Institution,
Washington D.C., Feb. 21, 1881
Dear Doctor,
I enclose an offer of an adipocere woman. Do you want it for the Museum. It ought to be preserved somewhere; but would not be appropriate for the National Museum
Yours truly,
Spencer Baird
Dr. George A. Otis
Medical Museum,
Washington, D.C.
Note on bottom says, “Enclosure returned to Prof. Baird”
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Vampires? Disease?
Letter of the Day: February 20
Ballston, VA.
February 20, 1933.
Medical Museum
Washington, D.C.
About November 6, 1896, through a request of the Secretary of War, Dr. Gray made an ex-ray (sic) exposiure (sic) and several thereafter of my cranium, at which time there showed a foreign opaque, lodged in the brane (sic). It is desired to ascertain if there is a record of the circumstances and if possible to get a copy of the report.
This information is desired for use at the Capitol, by Dr. Copeland and Hon. Howard W. Smith of Congrss. The X-ray was again taken last week and they want to check on it.
Wm C Hammond
The letter sent back reads:
February 25, 1933
MEMORANDUM for Major Noyes, S.G.O.:
1. Enclosed herewith is post card from Wm. C. Hammond (Former 1st Cl. Apprentice, U.S. Navy, 701 E. Capitol St.) together with Photostat copies of the correspondence in re this case in 1896.
2. Inquiry by phone to the Record Dept., Bureau of Med. & Surg., U.S.N. and thru them to the U.S. Naval Hospital has fialed to add any further information.
3. We can find no record of the original films at the Museum.
V.H. Cornell,
Major, Medical Corps, U.S.A.
We no longer have any original correspondence, but there are 2 notes about the case. The longer one, dated November 12, 1896, reads:
Respectfully returned with 2 prints. The first negative (Print No 1) shows 2 inches backward in a straight line from orbital ridge and 5/8 inches upward from this point, on wounded side, a small triangular piece of metal, approximately 3/8 x 2/8 inches in its greatest diameters. This is believed to lie near the surface. The second negative (Print No 2) shows this piece of metal scarcely at all, but it shows distinctly a much larger piece in the posterior part of the head. Before making the last exposure two pieces of wire were tied together forming a cross; this cross was tied to the head of the wounded side and its position marked on the skin with nitrate of silver. The large piece of metal lies 6 34/ inches in a direct line backward from the crossed wire; its depth within the brain substance can only be determined by a photograph taken in the opposite direction.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Letter of the Day: February 19
Post Hospital
Fort McPherson, Nebraska.
February 19th, 1873
I have the honor most respectfully too state that Private David Davis, Co. “K” 3rd U.S. Cavalry, committed suicide at this Post, on the 13th Instant, by shooting himself. The balls entered the Thoracic cavity severely lacerating the tissue of both lungs. I have preserved the pathological specimens, and, if they are of any value to the A.M. Museum, it will afford me great pleasure to forward them, with a report of the case.
I have the honor to be,
Your Most Obedient servant
J.H.T King
Capt. & Asst Surgeon, U.S. Army
Post Surgeon
Brig. Gen. J.K. Barnes
Surgeon General, U.S. Army
Washington, D.C.
A note on the reverse reads Specimens received April 5 1873, and acknowledged the same day.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Letter of the Day: February 18 (2 of 2)
U.S.A. Post Hospital
Fort Griffin, Texas, Febr. 18th 1873
Asst Surgeon George A Otis
Curator A.M.M.
Washington D.C.
Your communications dated Jan 22 & 23rd 1873 are at hand. In reply I have the honor to state that no specimens of value could be preserved from the bodies of Michael Murray “D”, 11 Infty and Michael Canan “E” 11 Infty. Amputation of right index finger in the case of Chas. G. Kelly “C” 11 Infty, was performed previous to my arrival at this post. No specimen exist. (sic)
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
E.A. Koerfoer
Asst Surgeon USA
Post Surgeon
Our scans on the Internet Archive
We’ve been busy uploading our scanned books to the Internet Archive and don’t often look to see how many times, or even if, anyone downloads them. Today we got an email from the Archive, saying that someone reviewed the logbook History of Specimens and Inventory of Specimen Preparation (MM 8761-1). A user named brewster gave us this nice review:
Subject: wonderful surprise book
In the open source collection there sometimes appears a surprising and wonderful book. For me, this is one of them. Hope you enjoy it as I do.
You can see everything we’ve uploaded so far by going to the Archive and searching for Otis Historical Archives.
Letter of the Day: February 18 (1 of 2)
Fort Garland, Colo.,
February 18, 1881
Surgeon General, U.S. Army,
Washington, D.C.
General –
I have the honor to transmit herewith the duplicate of a receipt from the Post Quarter-Master for certain pathological specimens, delivered to him for transportation to the Army Medical Museum, in the case of Musician Sylverster Obermeyer, Co. “D” 6th Infantry, who died here on the 9th day of January 1881.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
A.I. Comfort
A.A. Surgeon, U.S.A.,
Post Surgeon
Enclosure filed “Receipts for Stores”
The specimen (Brain) with history turned over to Dr. Woodward – ack. Mch 25, 1881
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
King Tut's serious medical problems
Michael Rhode, Chief Archivist
Kathleen Stocker, Assistant Archivist
(A) Jasmine High, Archives Technician
Donna Rose, IMC Supervisor Archivist
Amanda Montgomery, IMC Contract Archivist
Johanna Medlin, IMC Contract Archivist
Emilia Garvey, IMC Contract Archivist
LaFonda Burwell, IMC Contract Archives Technician
Karen West, IMC Contract Archives Technician
Anna Korosec, IMC Contract Archives Technician
(A) Erissa Mann, student volunteer
In fall 2006, archives staff began adding interesting photographs to Flickr's website. By late January 2008, approximately 400 photographs had gotten 48,000 views; in January 2009, 683 images had received 107,526 views, an increase of about 155%. On December 31, 2009, we wrapped up the year with slightly under a million views - 906,255 for approximately 1800 images. WRAMC continues to block access to Flickr so any additional photographs are added by staff from home. The Archives also received an invitation to join the Flickr Commons, a site for displaying the public photo collections of cultural institutions, which would increase viewership into the millions, but this has been waiting Legal Counsel's review for several years. A Repository for Bottled Monsters, an unofficial blog for the museum, continues to attract a worldwide audience. Because WRAMC blocks access to the blog, all posts to it are added by staff from home in their own time.
Research and historical material, mostly on military medicine, was provided to AFIP, especially the Public Affairs Office for which High in particular has pulled scores of photographs for a new history of the AFIP. External users were from Italy, Israel, Japan, Australia, Germany, and England and included the following institutions: University of Southern Alabama, Columbia University, National Naval Medical Center, Museum of Science and Industry, National Institutes of Health, Travel Channel, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Mutter Museum, Fort Laramie National Historic Site, US Department of Health and Human Services, Ritsumeikan University, National Museum of American History, Duke University, Simon Frasier University, University of Oxford, Temple University, New York State Museum, Branch Health Clinic, History Channel, Wesleyan University, National Institute for the Humanities, Cornell University, National Archives and Records Administration, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Stanford University, Wilmer Hale Law Library, Facts on File, Virginia Holocaust Museum, Baruch College, Iowa Methodist Medical Center, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Yale University, Dickinson College, MIT Press, Kyodo News Chiba Bureau, San Juan College, Kent State University, WETA, Virginia Historical Society, Harvard University, University of Maryland, National Geographic Society, University of Chicago, Oakland University, National Health Service (UK), Artificial Eye Clinic of Washington, DC, Royal Botanic Gardens, Scholastic Library Publishing, University of California -San Francisco, Enslow Educational Publishers, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University, Providence Journal, Science Photo Library (UK), American Society of Nursing, Discovery Channel, Trover Health System, OAH Magazine of History, New York Times, West Kentucky Community and Technical College, National Museum of Natural History, University of Texas Health Science Center, Slack, Inc., Jefferson Community & Technical College, Victorian College of the Arts, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Mojave Desert Heritage and Cultural Association.
1. Interview by Alexis Madrigal for "Rare Trove of Army Medical Photos Heads to Flickr," Wired's Science blog (March 17, 2009):; on the same topic see also "Bringing Hidden World War II Photos to the Masses," By Betsy Mason,
2. On-camera interview by Wild Dream Films for "Death Mask," History Channel documentary on Abraham Lincoln, (interviewed February 6, aired October 26, 2009).
1. Stocker, K. "Luther Otken, Surgeon, American Expeditionary Forces," National Museum of Health and Medicine (June),
2. Rhode, M. "The Army Medical Museum in World War I,"American Association for the History of Medicine (April 24),
3. Rhode, M and JTH Connor. "Graphic Tales of Cancer in America," History of Science Society (November 22).
1. Pierce, J, M Rhode, K Stocker et. al. Walter Reed Army Medical Center Centennial: A Pictorial History, 1909-2009, Washington: Borden Institute, 2009.