An unofficial blog about the National Museum of Health and Medicine (nee the Army Medical Museum) in Silver Spring, MD. Visit for news about the museum, new projects, musing on the history of medicine and neat pictures.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Changes on the Museum floor
Some of the iconic items in the exhibit are being put in a new exhibit being prepared by the exhibits staff.
Letter of the Day: March 10
We’d like to again thank COL Barnes and Mr & Mrs Weaver.
Presentation of Instrument to Medical Museum
10 March 1959
Col F M Townsend, USAF (MC) Deputy Director, AFIP
Capt W M Silliphant, MC, USN The Director, AFIP
Col Joe M Blumberg, MC, USA Deputy Director, AFIP
IN TURN (copy for each)
1. Mr. B. Woodruff Weaver, a Washington lawyer, and his wife would like to present on behalf of their uncle, Colonel Theodore Barnes, USA (Ret), now living in Florida, a signed, 16-blade scarificator to the Museum.
2. The circumstances which led to this presentation are:
a. Mrs. Weaver first saw this instrument at the Antique Show at the Shoreham Hotel and telephoned to ask if the Museum would be interested in having it and, if so, she suggested that a representative of the Museum examine this instrument. If it would make a worthwhile addition to the Museum’s collection, and if the price seemed to be fair, to so inform her and she would take steps to purchase it.
b. A member of the staff of the Museum examined the instrument. It was found to be a signed model and unlike any other in the Museum. The price of $35.00 seemed reasonable and Mrs. Weaver was so informed.
c. As Mr. Weaver had been asked by his uncle to procure rare or unique items for museums, he took immediate steps to purchase this instrument for the Medical Museum.
3. It would be very much appreciated if Captain Silliphant would formally accept the scarificator and Colonel Townsend and Colonel Blumberg could be present. As Mr. and Mrs. Weaver seem interested in donating rare and unusual items to Museums, formal acceptance of this scarificator might be the opening wedge for them and for other philanthropic persons to take a more active interest, in a material way, in the Medical Museum.
4. Assuming Captain Silliphant would be willing to accept the scarificator, information is requested as to whether he would be available on any of the dates indicated in the following table or whether he would have a preference for any particular one. These dates are all satisfactory to the Weavers. The time would be either at 1030 or 1430 hours. [TABLE NOT RETYPED]
5. It is also suggested that Colonel Townsend and Colonel Blumberg indicate their intention of presence.
6. All of the scarificators in the Museum’s collection will be on display in the Curator’s office.
7. No luncheon is planned, but tea and coffee will be served.
8. A press release will be sent to LCdr Parker with the request that he and a photographer be present at the ceremony.
Albert E Minns Jr, Col, MSC
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Letter of the day, March 9
March 9, 1875
Professor J. Henry.
Respectfully returned. Beautiful plates of the microscopical appearances of various kinds of milk can be found in the Atlas of the "Cours de Microscop[i]e," of A. Donné, Paris, 1845, Plates XVII, XVIII, and XIX, and very good woodcuts, with an excellent account of the subject, in the article on "Milk and its adulterations," in Arthur Hill, Hasslin [Hassall] "Adulterations Detected," 2nd Edit, London, 1811, p. 205.
Very respectfully,
J.J. Woodward
Accession of the day, March 9
A.M.M. [Army Medical Museum] No. 10156
Pathological Section
Washington, D.C.
March 9, 1891
Robinson Dr. C.B.
Veterinary Surgeon

Foetal bones, said to have been discharged from the uterus of a mare, about 12 years old. Owned by Senator J.S. Barbour of Virginia.
It is stated that she had not been put to a horse for 6 years.
History received verbally
Specimen received Mar. 8, 1891
Monday, March 8, 2010
Letter of the Day: March 8
Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 553
March 8, 1895, Mr. S. B. Taylor, No. 1626, 7th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. presents a specimen of oyster blenny (Chasmodes boscianus).
A.M.M. No. 10813 Pathological Section.
Some info on card 10813
Given that this is a species of fish that lives in mangrove roots in warm water, I have no idea why we gave it a pathological section number. It was undoubtedly for the Comparative Anatomy section.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Accession of the day, March 7
Dispensary received Mar. 7, 1901
Extract from Letter of Ludwig Rosenthal, filed in the Library Branch, Mus. & Lib. Division.
Hildegard - Strasse 16
Nov. 14, 1900.
To the Library of the Surgeon General's Office,
Washington, D.C.
I beg to report if not sold meanwhile:
Little house-dispensary with contents, XVI-XVIIth century. The little shrine, worked in black ebony is inlaid and ornamented with ivory and marble. Lock, angles, rings, etc. in gilt iron with artfully worked heads and foliage. The opened (lead) lid shows 15 divisions, in which are kept little glasses with brass clasps and two engraved little silver boxes. One division is empty; the narrow sides form pushers opening little drawers and secret panels, wherein are remnants of pills and three colored tablets with the impressed inscription "Terra Sigillata" 1851 and the monograms K. B with a crown. In another secret panel a tin box with old salve. At the lower part of the shrine are two drawers, where the instruments may have been kept.
This little shrine is artistically and carefully worked and well kept. H. 16.4 cm, L 27 cm depth 16.5 cm.
Price M. 250.
Letter of the Day: March 7
Whitehorse Road
Croydon, near London
Mar. 7 .99
To Dr. J. S. Billings
Dear Sir
You may recollect some years ago having some correspondence with my father (the late Dr. John Mayall jun.) regarding the acquisition of Noberts Ruling Machine, but that it was not then for sale.
After my father’s death I acquired the machine, but now owing to serious domestic troubles I am closing up my home, & am writing back if you would like to purchase the machine for your museum.
My father looked upon it as one of the wonders of the mechanical world which it undoubtedly is, & thought it should be in a museum where it could be seen & appreciated.
The machine has been preserved with the utmost care, all accessories, the diamonds for the rulings, Noberts original notes, together with a translation, are all intact.
The price of the machine is L200, & if you decide to purchase it, I will have it most carefully packed.
I enclose a set of photographs showing different views of the machine, accessories etc, also a copy of the Soc. Of Arts Journal containing the paper read by my father before that society.
I am Sir
Yrs faithfully
(Mrs.) L.C.E. Taylor
[the photographs were given the numbers CP 3770-3773]
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Letter of the Day: March 6 (2 of 2)
Washington, March 6, 1896
My dear Doctor:-
I hardly think it worth while to purchase a new Ruhmkoff coil for the purpose of making experiments with the Roentgen rays. Very active experimental work is going on in different parts of the country and it is not probably that any experiments that you would find time to make would add anything of importance to our knowledge of these rays and their practical application in medicine. I judge that neither yourself nor anyone else at the Museum competent to make such experiments has the time for original research work, and it is hardly worth while to experiment simply for the purpose of verifying that is done by others. Later, when the exact practical value of photography by these rays has been determined, we may want the necessary apparatus in order to assist in the diagnosis of cases occurring in the District, to which the new method may be applicable.
Have you seen the last number of the American Journal of the Medical Sciences containing a number of photographs and an account of experiments which have been made in Philadelphia?
Very truly yours,
Geo. M. Sternbertg
Lieut. Col. D. L. Huntington,
Deputy Surgeon General, U.S. Army
Washington, D.C.
Letter of the day, March 6 (1 of 2)
Yale University
The School of Medicine
Affiliated with the New Haven Hospital
on the
Anthony N. Brady Memorial Foundation
Laboratory of
Pathology and Bacteriology
New Haven, Connecticut
March 6, 1919
Colonel Charles F. Craig,
Army Medical Museum
Washington, D.C.
My Dear Colonel Craig:
I am sending you, under separate cover, four illustrations of the lung in influenza, which were done by artists from the Army Medical Museum. The autopsy numbers of these cases is on the illustration, and there is attached an anatomical diagnosis of the case. I have, besides these four illustrations, eight colored drawings of more or less similar lesions of the respiratory tract in influenza. They are as follows:
Aut. No. 1. Trachea showing an accute hemorrhagic inflammation.
" " 2 &3. Pleural surface and cross section of lobular pneumonia in influenza.
" " 4 &5. Pleural surface and cross section of the lobar type of inflammation.
" " 6. Fibrinopurulent pleurisy
" " 7 &8. Cross sections of subacute and chronic necrotizing and organizing pneumonia.
There are besides these illustrations of influenzal pneumonia, one hundred and thirty-eight gross and microscopic drawings and photo micrographs of the lungs of animals that have died or were killed after exposure to one of the following poisonous gases; chlorine, phosgene, chloropicrin, mustard, cyanogen, chloride, bromide, arsene, organic arsenic compounds, and superpalite.
The monograph which includes these illustrations is in the hands of the Yale Press. A complete list of the illustrations has been furnished to Colonel Lyster of the Chemical Warfare Service, and I have no other list of them to submit at the present time. Of course, it can be made if you feel that is is absolutely necessary.
Very truly yours,
[Major M. Winternitz]
Friday, March 5, 2010
Letter of the Day: March 5
Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 542
March 5, 1895, Lieut. Col. W.H. Forwood, Dep. Surgeon General, U.S.A., Attending Surgeon, U.S. Soldiers’ Home, Washington, D.C., contributes specimens from case of cardiac dropsy. John Crinian, Co. “E”, 4th Infantry.
Need not ask for history.
A.M.M. No. 10822 Path. Sect., 3318 Prov. Path Sect. and 822 Prov. Anat. Sect.
Timothy O'Sullivan at American Art museum
Wednesday March 17, 2010
Gallery Talks with Toby Jurovics
6:00 PM
Meet in the G Street Lobby
American Art Museum

Thursday April 22, 2010
Gallery Talks with Toby Jurovics
6:00 PM
Meet in the G Street Lobby
American Art Museum

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Letter of the day, March 4
War Department
Office of the Surgeon General
Army Medical Museum and Library
March 4th, 1919
Circular Letter No. 121.
Subject: Reproduction of Interesting Lesions in Wax.
1. There is present at the Army Medical Museum an expert in the reproduction of various lesion of the skin in wax. A considerable number of models have been made during the war and it is desired to make this collection as excellent and as representative as possible.
2. The following types of cases can be well represented in wax: chronic or unhealed ulcers following various types of wounds; unhealed lesions resulting from gas burns; unusual scar formations; and unusual skin diseases. Such lesions can be most naturally reproduced by wax models and it is believed that many of the hospitals receiving cases from overseas have cases of this nature which should be reproduced for permanent record.
3. As it is impossible for the one worker in wax models to travel from place to place, it is requested that when such cases occur at any Army hospital they be reported to the Surgeon General’s office, attention the Laboratory Division, with a brief description of the case and probable permanence of the lesion at the time, accompanied by a rough unmounted photograph if possible to obtain the same.
4. It is intended to order especially interesting cases of this character to the Walter Reed Hospital for further treatment and for the production of the model which will be a permanent exhibit in the Army Medical Museum.
By direction of The Surgeon General:
C.R. Darnell,
Colonel, Medical Corps, U.S.A.
Executive Officer
Copy to:
Commanding Officers of all
Base Hospitals,
General Hospitals,
Embarkation Hospitals
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
How fast is the Museum growing?
That’s an impossible question to answer for the most part, but here’s a factoid. Our scans of existing photographs and papers have made it up to 932 gigabytes. That’s for about 750,000 images, and we have 400,000 planned for this 2010 fiscal year.
Letter of the Day: March 3 (2 of 2)

Brooklyn, Mar. 3. 68
My dear Doctor,
Your favor of the 29th Ult. Is just received and I feel greatly obliged to you for the advice you have tendered me in reference to Francis, of which I shall avail myself.
It is a pity that the examining surgeons of Brooklyn have been ill-chosen. None of them enjoys reputation or public confidence, and Burdick belongs to the eclectic school of quackery. I doubt very much whether one of them is capable to realize the actual condition of the patient. However I will assist in the matter and see that justice is meted out in the premises.
The specimen you refer to is at your disposal and will be sent with the others, if you deem it worth your while to add it to the museum. I am however, unable to furnish you with the items of the case to which I paid no attention when at Fortress Monroe. Dr. Bontecou of Troy N.Y. may be able to furnish you with the desired information, for he was the medical director of the Hygeia Hospital at the time. The specimen intended for you I shall send at my swiftest leisure.
Very sincerely yours
Louis Bauer
Geo A. Otis, M.D.
Lieut. Col. & Asst. Surg. U.S.A.
PS In what way will I send it so as to incur no expenses.
Women's History Month program at the Medical Museum
Women’s History Month program at the Medical Museum -- "A Lady Alone" Elizabeth Blackwell: First American Woman Doctor
Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Suitable for ages 10 & up
Celebrate Women's History Month at the National Museum of Health and Medicine with a one-act play about Elizabeth Blackwell, the first American woman doctor. Written by Harvard playwright N. Lynn Eckhert, M.D., this one-actress play, performed by Linda Gray Kelley, tells the story of Blackwell, who in addition to being the first woman to receive her medical degree in the United States, founded her own infirmary in New York (when other hospitals would not accept her as a doctor) and trained nurses during the Civil War. During the play, Kelley acts as Blackwell's fellow classmates and colleagues in addition to the doctor herself. “A Lady Alone” is a production of Theatre Rising Unlimited
Cost: Free!
The National Museum of Health and Medicine
6900 Georgia Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20307
NMHM is located in Building 54 on the campus of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Visitor parking is available in the driveway in front of the museum. Additional free parking is available throughout the campus on weekends. No registration is required, but seating is limited.
SPECIAL NOTE: Adults are required to present photo ID to gain entry to Walter Reed.
For more information, visit For specific information about directions and parking, visit
NMHM on Twitter:
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Letter of the Day: March 3 (1 of 2)
Camp Verde, A.T. [Arizona Territory]
March 3rd 1871
Asst. Surgeon G.A. Otis, U.S.A.
Curator, Army Medical Museum
Washington D.C.
In answer to your letter of January 30th requesting specimen in the case of Pvt. Kinnear, I regret to state that the specimen cannot be procured; it was buried with the intention of being forwarded to the Army Med. Museum if desired, but the coyotes unearthed it, and no trace of it can be discovered.
Pvt. Kinnear was an unfavorable subject for operation, having received treatment for chronic dysentery for six months previous to the accident, he was also addicted to the use of alcoholic liquors.
The accident occurred about four miles from the Post, and he was not seen by the Doctor until four hours subsequent to the injury.
On examination, the knee joint was found to be seriously involved, the inner condyle fractured, and the soft parts badly lacerated, his condition was bad; the operation was delayed for some time to enable him to recover from the shock.
Amputation was performed, the lateral flap method, he did not completely rally from its effects, he died ninety-nine hours after, from the conjoined effects of shock hemorrhage and pyaemia.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Sert.
A.F. Steigers
Act. Asst. Surg. U.S.A.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Clinico Motion Pictures

LaFonda's Degree
LaFonda just brought in her diploma to show us. She showed the same spirit in working towards her degree as she always shows on the job, and now she's the proud owner of a Bachelors Degree in International Business.
Congratulations, LaFonda! We're so proud of you.
And, no, you can't have her.
Letter of the Day: March 2
We may very well have the type of oil wrong.
Baton Rouge Barracks, La.
March 2, 1878
Surgeon General U.S.A.
Washington, D.C.
I have the honor to state that I have delivered to the A.A.Q.M. [Acting Assistant Quarter Master], at this Post for transportation to the Army Medical Museum, a small vial containing the head of a Tape Worm. Taenia solium? It was discharged by a child 2 ½ years of age on May 12, 1876.The child had been treated for the worm at different times, for more than a year previous to that time.
Treatment – Complete starvation for twenty-four hours – The administration at the end of that time of Zi oil of Male Fern – and the repetition of the same does with Z; castor oil 12 hours subsequently. The patient has been entirely free from any signs of Tape Worm from that time to the present. I trust the contribution though small, may be acceptable.
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
(Signed) M. E. Taylor
Assistant Surgeon U.S.A.
Post Surgeon
A true copy
George A. Otis
Asst Surg. USA
Monday, March 1, 2010
Morality and exhibits?
The first article specifically raises some items that you naturally find in a medical museum. On the other side, I don't actually believe that the National Museum of Crime and Punishment is actually a museum - I think it's closer to an attraction, or a tiny theme park. Beyond that, I don't think the exhibit of a serial killers car tells you anything about the killer. On the other hand, if it is still in existence and people want to pay to see it - well, I, personally, am ok with that too.
Why some art should be censored
Shreveport Times (February 28, 2010)
Another sort of case concerns the use of human corpses in art. There is a venerable tradition of showing the dead for various reasons, as in Rembrandt's famous The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp or Goya's depictions of the horrors of war — not to mention numerous crucifixions. News coverage sometimes courts the grisly by its depictions of the deceased. A case where I supported censorship involved Cincinnati artist Thomas Condon who was prosecuted for photographs he took of corpses in 2001. He gained access to the corpses illegally and staged images without the knowledge or permission of their families.
George Packer, Letter from Dresden, “Embers: Will Dresden Finally Confront Its Past?” The New Yorker, February 1, 2010, p. 33
Ted Bundy's VW goes on display at D.C. crime museum, but should it?
By Philip Kennicott
Friday, February 19, 2010