
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Letter of the Day: January 30

Chicago, Jany. 30/[1869]

To the Chief of the Medical Department, U.S.A.

Dear Sir,

Believing that you take a deep interest in the advancement of Science in the Medical Branch, I take the liberty to address a few lines to you, with the expectation that through your kindness you will give me all the assistance to succeed in carrying out my object. I am requested by one of the most eminent Professors of Anatomy of Europe. Professor Dr. Hyrdel of Vienna, an old acquaintance of mine and whose name may be familiar to you, to procure for him a complete skull of an Indian with the name of the tribe attached to it. Said Professor has a Collection of some five thousand skulls, but none of an Indian. Either a prepared one or unprepared would be acceptable , and I am willing to pay the expense. If you should have a chance to get a prepared skull and should not cause you to much trouble, you may send one directly to Dr. Hyrdel at Vienna (Austria) and if not an unprepared one I suppose might be got from the Plains through your solicitations and in that case have it addressed to me and send to Chicago. Hoping that you will excuse me for causing you so much trouble, and awaiting your kind answer to this, I remain

most respectfully yours
J. Ulrich, M.D.
No 467 North Wells Sre.[?]

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