
Monday, April 12, 2010

Science Museum London's history of medicine collections on the web

This note introduces a really cool idea I'd like to emulate at our Museum. For those who haven't visited the London museum, they've got 2 floors of medical history exhibits from the Wellcome collection.

The new history of medicine website of the Science Museum London has now been completed. In all it now presents 4000 new images of artefacts from the collections linked to 16 specialised themes on medicine across time, written by staff and other professional historians of medicine. Each theme is associated with bibliographies and interactives suitable for teaching at several levels.

The themes are:

Belief and medicine; Birth and death; Controversies and medicine; Diagnosis; Diseases and epidemics; Hospitals;Mental health and illness; Practising medicine; Public health;Science and medicine; Surgery;Technology and medicine; Medical traditions;Treatments and cures; Understanding the body; War and medicine

You can find the site at:

Under a creative commons policy the images are available for download.

Dr Robert Bud

Principal Curator of Medicine

The Science Museum, London

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Letter of the Day: April 11

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 4497

Repair of Animal Rooms

April 11 1900

To the Surgeon General,
U.S. Army.


I have the honor to request that the following repairs be made in the animal rooms of the annex to this building:
Estimated cost
1. Repair of arch and walls of crematory … $30.00
2. Repairing plaster of portions of walls … $ 5.00
3. Whitewashing 3 rooms and ante-room… $25.00*
4. Painting woodwork in 3 rooms and ante-room… 25.00

This work should be done at the earliest possible date.

Very respectfully,

Dallas Bache
Col. & Asst. Surgeon General, U.S.A.
In charge of Museum & Library Divison

*This includes scraping of walls and at least two coats of whitewash.

Pencil notes added April 13, 1900, in accordance with 1st endorsement dated Apr 12, 1900. See Record Card No. 4497

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Letter of the day, April 10 (1 of 2)

Camp Steele, San Juan W.T.
April 10 1868

Dear Doctor:

In reply to your letter in relation to Indian relics &c, I have to say that I am willing to do all I can in the matter; but that there are few or no Indians on this Island, and such articles are not procurable here by ordinary means.

In Victoria, in the shops, many articles such as you speak of, can be got; but not knowing how much money would be allowed for their purchase, I could not buy. Prices generally are high, as with everything else, on this coast.

One article, a really valuable relic, a shawl made by a tribe north of this place, for instance, was charged at $25.00: another at $10.00 &c. After officers exchange their paper pay into gold, & then buy the larger portion of the necessaries of life at prices nominally higher in gold than in paper at the East, they have but little left for speculations of such a kind.

Had I any information of the amount allowable, or a certain sum to expend, I might do something. Crania, or anything else, to be got without cost, I will try to procure.

I will also try to enlist Contract Surgeons in the work, as you desire.

Yours truly
J.E. Semple
Asst Surg. USA

Dr. Otis USA

Letter of the Day: April 10 (2 of 2)

Military Hospital
Malahi Island, Laguna, P.I.
April, 10th, 1905.

Miss C.S. Ludlow,
S.G.O., Washington, D.C.


I have the honor to forward this date under separate cover 54 mosquitoes, collected at this station. Place:- Stockade, this post. Date:-April 9th, 1905, about 7 A.M. Collector:- Capt. C.E.B. Flagg, Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A. No prevailing diseases.

We have pill boxes on hand and will continue to use them for shipping boxes if they are satisfactory for the purpose. A cyanide bottle is needed as there is none available here. Chloroform is now used for this purpose.

A printed unsigned circular relative to collection etc., of mosquitoes, and a shipping box enclosing 3 pill boxes and purporting to contain a cyanide bottle was received from the S.G.O. March 26th, 1905.

No case of malarial fever has been known to have originated here. We make blood examinations in all fever cases and have occasionally one of malaria contracted elsewhere. We have not been able to secure any anopheles as yet, and I have not seen one since by arrival here last September. Lieut. Duncan, Med. Department, who was here last September, told me he found some anopheles in rear of his quarters.

These mosquitoes undoubtedly form a small per cent of the few on the island, but failure to catch any of them is probably due to inexperience of the collectors.

A statement as to whether you have ever received a malaria bearing mosquito from this station would be of interest for record in the medical history of the post.

Very respectfully,

Chas. E.B. Flagg,
Capt., Asst. Surgeon, U.S. Army,

Friday, April 9, 2010

Letter of the day: April 9 (2 of 2)

Alcatraz Island, Cal.,
April 9th, 1885

Surgeon General,
U.S. Army,
Washington, D.C.


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of request from your office for a specimen, if preserved, in the case of Private P. O’Callaghan, Batty. “D”, 1st Arty., who died in the hospital of this post from the effects of a shot perforation of the skull, February 17th, 1885, and to reply that peculiar circumstances rendered it, in my opinion, imprudent and impracticable to secure the specimen for the Army Medical Museum as was my desire and intention.

Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant
Jno. Murray Dickson,
Asst Surg. U.S.A.
Post Surgeon

Letter of the Day: April 9 (1 of 2)

Washington, DC
April 9 1870

Dr. George A. Otis
Bvt Col. USA


I sent by Hospital Steward Marshall one model of boat used by Indians in Alaska Territory, one waterproof bag from Alaska made of seal membrane, two beavers teeth, two walrus teeth. These articles I contribute as curiosities that may be acceptable to the Curator for presentation and as objects of illustration and information. They have been acknowledged as contributed by Mr Marshall himself. Will you please make the change rendered necessary by my omission and send a formal communication.

Very Respectfully & truly yours
Basil Norris
Surg U.S.A.

British Natural History Museum's new building

Oooh, if only we could...

April 8, 2010
Enjoy the Bugs, but Don’t Feed the Scientists


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Visibly Human Health & Disease in the Human Body

Visibly Human exhibit installation

Visibly Human exhibit installation

Letter of the Day: April 8

Memo for The Record

Albert E Minns Jr
Curator, Medical Museum

Herman E Demick
CQ 8 April 1961

8 April 1961

During CQ duty on this date numerous inquiries were made by visitors requesting the wherebouts of the Forensic Pathology exhibits.

Some inquiries were the direct result of the Army Times article and some were due to the Evening Star Letter To The Editor which is attached [missing now – MR]. However, the majority were from people who heard about the exhibits being interesting or those who had seen them previously and were bringing others in to see them. Upon arrival these visitors naturally inquired for them when the exhibits were not found in their areas.

One mother with her teenage son – present at the request of her son – stated that TV Westerns represent the use of guns and knives as not dangerous. Her son had been impressed with our exhibits which served as an object lesson to him. Rather than being shocked he was seriously interested and asked his mother to visit the Museum with him.

M/Sgt Clayton A Knepley, of WRAMC [this is when the Museum was still downtown near the Smithsonian] visited the museum with his teenage son expressly to see the exhibits in question. The Sgt was familiar with the Exhibits and in hi opinion they are very valuable to the young. He read the Times article and was in fact the source of my knowledge of any letter in the Star. His reaction to the affair is that in his opinion it is unfair and unwarranted. He believes both articles have been written by the same person – pointing out the similarity in the writing style.

Guard James Jackson and I had near one-hundred inquiries for the exhibits throughout the day. It may be noted that visitor attendance was comparatively light due to the parade activities. The total requests for the exhibits versus attendance represent a good percentage of people wanting the exhibits.

Mr. Robert F. Jones, [street address redacted] Philadelphia, Pa. tour-director brings groups of students and adults to D.C. at least once a week. During the past few weeks he has brought in young girl students in groups of 65. During these weeks he reports, not one of the girls have shown anything but serious interest in the Forensic Pathology exhibits. Not one case of “shock or horror”. His viewpoint is that his groups learned the seriousness of “the unloaded gun and the switch-blade”. Mr. Jones says he intends to write a letter to the paper giving his opinion. He said it is a shame the exhibits have been removed.

Herman E Demick

Accession of the day, April 8

Chilicothe, Ohio. April, 1873.

A linen pocket handkerchief pierced by a bullet at the battle of Nashville, Tennessee. The 32 holes which it contains were produced by the same ball, while folded up in the pocket of the officer who owned it. Specimen received April 8" 1873. Source: Staples, E.L. Miscellaneous section #71.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Installing Mr Cluckey

Visibly human install

Poetry in Wartime

I read in today's paper that April is National Poetry Month. We have a small in-house exhibit and quite a nice one online about Walt Whitman, who nursed during the Civil War, and wrote quite a bit about his experiences in both poetry and prose. The internet archive has a lot you can download for free.

April e-newsletter


E-News from the National Museum of Health and Medicine – April 2010



 Visit the Museum online at

 Welcome to this month's edition of our e-newsletter. Enjoy this brief update on upcoming exhibitions and public programs and the occasional interesting bit of news from our collections.

 Do you like what you are reading? Forward it to a friend!


 This month:

 * "Wounded in Action: An Art Exhibition of Orthopaedic Advancements" opens May 7

* "Solving the Puzzle: Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus and You," a traveling exhibition, opens April 19

* "Visibly Human: Health and Disease in the Human Body" opens April 12

* NMHM hosts 11th Annual Brain Awareness Week

* News and Notes: Did you know?

* Events Calendar: National Hairball Awareness Day (April 27), Brown Bag Lunch: Author Reading and Discussion, "What's Eating You?: People and Parasites" (May 13) and the USA Science and Engineering Festival (Oct 2010)

* Support the Museum!



"Wounded in Action: An Art Exhibition of Orthopaedic Advancements," an exhibit of art works inspired by experiences with the wounds of war, will have its first major installation at the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington, D.C. and the University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB), in May 2010, after a one-week exhibition in a United States Senate office building in the nation's capital. The exhibit, which is produced and organized by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), will open at the museum May 7. Read our news release.


New Poster Exhibition Coming to NMHM: The stories of West Nile virus and Lyme disease and how they affect human health are the focus of a new traveling exhibition "Solving the Puzzle: Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus and You," which will open April 19 at the National Museum of Health and Medicine. NMHM is the first museum to display this traveling exhibit. The Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History produced and organized the exhibition.


"Visibly Human: Health and Disease in the Human Body," a vivid presentation of anatomical and pathological specimens, pulled from museum collections dating back more than 100 years, goes on display April 12. The exhibit presents the body's organ systems and features normal anatomical specimens alongside specimens demonstrating some measure of pathology, be it from injury, disease or environmental factors. The exhibition will feature specimens and artifacts from the Museum's Anatomical and Historical Collections.


NMHM held its 11th Annual Brain Awareness Week March 15 – 19: Nearly 700 students from public and private schools in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C., attended the event, which is sponsored by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives. The celebration featured numerous hands-on activities designed to inspire a new generation of scientists interested in the brain and the field of neuroscience. Visit our photo galleries to view pictures from the event.

BS with brain_031810.JPG

News and Notes:

·         Did you know? One of the most frequently visited sections on the Museum's Web site is an online exhibit  "Closing in on a Killer: Scientists Unlock Clues to the Spanish Influenza Virus" This virtual exhibit and the associated galleries of images are featured on an informational Web site related to the history of combating pandemic flu.

·         Please follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay in touch with the Museum.


Calendar of Upcoming Programs:

Check out the Events Calendar for updates:


FREE PUBLIC TOUR: Free docent-led tours are offered on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Tour begins at 1:00 p.m. Reservations are not required.


National Hairball Awareness Day


When: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 12:00 p.m.


Join NMHM in celebrating National Hairball Awareness Day on April 27. Learn how hairballs (trichobezoars) form in the stomach, see a selection of human and animal hairballs on display and get a chance to hold an animal hairball. Bezoars form in the stomach of humans and some animals, and are made of indigestible matter such as hair, food and some medicines. A selection of bezoars from the Museum's collection will be on display from April 24 – May 2.


Cost: FREE


Brown Bag Lunch: Author Reading and Discussion


"What's Eating You?: People and Parasites" (Princeton University Press)


When: Thursday, May 13, 2010, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.


In "What's Eating You" Eugene Kaplan recounts the true and harrowing tales of his adventures with parasites, and in the process introduces readers to the intimately interwoven lives of host and parasite. Kaplan will share stories about parasites from worms to lice, designed to appeal to people eating lunch. Topics will cover leeches attacking soldiers in Vietnam, lice attacking lovers in New Orleans, worms attacking eaters in Israel, and will cover what to do when you return from a trip and suspect you have parasites. Eugene H. Kaplan is the Donald A. Axinn Endowed Distinguished Professor of Ecology and Conservation (emeritus) at Hofstra University.


Cost: FREE


USA Science and Engineering Festival


When: October 23-24, 2010 NMHM is proud to be an Official Partner of the inaugural USA Science & Engineering Festival to be held in the greater Washington DC area in October 2010. The Festival, which will be the country's first national science festival, is a collaboration of over 500 of the country's leading science and engineering organizations and aims to reignite the interest of our nation's youth in the sciences. The culmination of the Festival will be a two-day Expo on the National Mall on October 23-24, 2010, which will give children, teens and adults the opportunity to explore all facets of science & engineering through hundreds of fun, hands-on activities. For more information on all Festival events, visit



WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! Thank you for reading this monthly e-newsletter. Is there something more that we can offer? Let us know!


National Museum of Health and Medicine/AFIP

6900 Georgia Ave., NW, Building 54/Room G056

(on the campus at Walter Reed Army Medical Center)

Washington, D.C. 20307

General information: (202) 782-2200

Public Affairs: (202) 782-2672


On the Web:







Accession of the day, April 7

A.M.M. No. 2685 Miscellaneous Section

A brick implement used by Tagalog midwives, Island of Luzon, P.I., as an aid in difficult labor cases. Contributed by Capt. Geo. A. Zeller, Asst. Surgeon, U.S. Vols., Convalescent Hospital, Corregidor Island, P.I.

Specimen received April 7, 1902.

The brick was heated, wrapped in cloth, and placed against the perineum. Not as awful as it first sounds, is it? I really didn't want to know.

Letter of the Day: April 7 - mosquito hunters!


Clara Ludlow was on the Museum staff for a decade, researching and naming mosquitoes coming in, including this one from the Philippines in the genus Neomelaniconion.


Entomological Society of Ontario


London, Ont., Canada April 7, 1905


My Dear Miss Ludlow,


I have received today yours of the 5th enclosing the P.O. order for five dollars, for which I beg to thank you very much. The extras will be ready in a day or two & then I shall get the printers. I do not at present know exactly what it will amount to, but no doubt there will be some balance towards the extension of your subscription.


One April Can. Ent. [Canadian Entomologist] as mailed yesterday (44 pages) . You will notice that I gave to your new mosquito the name of lineatopennis.  This deemed to express your meaning fully & to be euphonious also. I hope you will not object to it.


Yours very faithfully,


Charles B. Bethune

Medical Museums Association Annual Meeting 2010

The Medical Museums Association (or MeMA) will hold its 2010 annual meeting at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota April 27th and 28th. This year MeMA meets jointly with the Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences (ALHHS). Registration for the meeting has extended until today, April 7th. Museum and special collections staff, collectors, historians, students and others interested are all encouraged to attend.

Meeting registration and Medical Museums Association membership information is available at:

Highlights include tours of the Plummer Library Mayo Historical Suite, which originally contained general surgeons’ offices and the offices of William and Charles Mayo, and the Mayo Clinic Multidisciplinary Simulation Center, one of the largest medical simulation facilities in the world.

Steve Puglia, an authority on digital imaging and special media preservation from the U.S. National Archives and Records Association will be guest speaker to talk about digital production of historic collections including photographing three-dimensional objects and scanning other media; image quality standards; creating metadata; costs associated with digitization; and issues related to digital preservation including the migration of existing digital content. Digital media projects such as Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, podcasts and blogs have their turn at center stage on with presentations on current projects by MeMA and ALHHS members. Mike Rhode, Chief Archivist at the National Museum of Health and Medicine, and Steve Puglia will participate in a panel discussion afterward.

There will be feature programs by Mayo Clinic staff. Matt Dacy, Director of the Heritage Hall Museum, will highlight the history of the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Brent Bauer, Director of the Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program, will detail a project using 400 year old special collections material in ‘bio-prospecting for new drugs.’ And industrial hygienists will discuss how to properly handle hazardous materials in collections.

Then stick around a few more days and attend the American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM) annual meeting also at the Mayo Clinic. Mike Rhode from the Otis Historical Archives and Emily Wilson from the Human Developmental Anatomy Division at the museum will be delivering papers.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Installing a new human body exhibit

Rendering of the Exhibit - Exhibit Opens April 10th National Museum of Health & Medicine

Visibly human install

Visibly Human, Health and Disease in the Human Body, Exhibit Install Photos

Letter of the Day: April 6 (2 of 2)

The sketchbook Young provided is still in the Museum


Cincinnati Ohio

April 6 1866




Since I saw you last August, I have been very much engaged in arranging my business and getting settled again in civil life which together with a separation from my drawings and notes has prevented me from completing and forwarding the drawings of gunshot wounds for exchange for photographs of specimens in the A.M. Museum as agreed upon at that time. The original was sketched hurriedly, and at periods more or less separate, and it appeared at the time, I entered into the arrangement with you, a comparatively slight task to reproduce them. But when pressed with other affairs, I have found them more tegious [ie tedious]  than I had anticipated. The originals were necessarily rough but I thought at the time they generally gave fair representations of the subjects which they were intended to illustrate.  And now with better opportunities for more perfect finish, I have found it very difficult to depart from the original sketches in this respect and retain the true characteristics of the lesions that were presented in the rough originals.


I have selected injuries of the soft tissues, instead of those of the bones, as what I have of osseous structures, would be but a repetition of what you have such an abundance. The histories accompanying them are brief  from the character of the wounds, the short time we had them under our care, and the difficulty of hearing from them after leaving us. I also have been unfortunate in losing many of my notes of great interest to me upon many of the subjects. But I hope they will meet your anticipations.


Will you please be kind enough to inform me when and how if it be possible I can procure a catalogue of the A.M. Museum, also of the wood cuts, which, I understand are being prepared by the Dept. Having taken great interest in all matters of surgery during the war, I still feel a desire to procure all I can pertaining to it, that may reasonably come within my reach. And thanking your for the extreme kindness you have shown me heretofore I remain truly


Yours, most respectfully etc


D.S. Young, late,

Surge 21st Regt, O.V.Vs [Ohio Veteran Volunteers]


Letter of the day, April 6

Historical collections has informed us that the object is no longer in the Museum...

April 6, [189]5

Dr. E.T. Duke,
Secretary of Health Board,
Cumberland, Md.

Dear Doctor:

I am instructed by the Surgeon General to acknowledge the receipt at the Army Medical Museum to-day, of a " vaccination scab protector " designed by you, and to thank you for this interesting addition to the Museum collection.

The specimen has been placed in the Miscellaneous Section and numbered 1975.

Very respectfully,
Walter Reed
Surgeon, U.S. Army,

New Light on Old Bones

New Light on Old Bones

This new blog looks like it will be an interesting project. Inviting our public and past researchers to comment on experiences, particualrly those at the old locations might be insightful.

"The Secret Museum" Exhibition Opening, Observatory, This Saturday, April 10, 7-10 PM



Our friend Joanna Ebenstein of Morbid Anatomy sent this announcement. (We're blocked from a lot of images, so I don't know if hers didn't make it to the post or if I just can't see them.)


This Saturday, April 10th, Observatory in Brooklyn, New York will be hosting the opening party for my new exhibition "The Secret Museum." The exhibition will run through May 16th. Full details and a few images from the exhibition follow. Hope to see you there!



Images top to bottom, left to right: Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Rouen, Backroom; Natural History Museum Backroom; "Femme à barbe," Musée Orfila. Courtesy of Paris Descartes University;Tim Knox and Todd Longstaffe-Gowan Collection, London; Archives 2009-015, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia.


The Secret Museum 

Observatory : 543 Union Street (at Nevins), Brooklyn, NY 11215


Opening party: Saturday April 10th, 7-10 PM

On view from April 10th-May 16th

3-6 Thursday and Friday

12-6 Saturday and Sunday

An exhibition exploring the poetics of hidden, untouched and curious collections from around the world in photographs and artifacts, by Joanna Ebenstein, co-founder of Observatory and creator of Morbid Anatomy.

Photographer and blogger Joanna Ebenstein has traveled the world seeking and documenting untouched, hidden, and curious collections, from museum storerooms to private collections, untouched cabinets of curiosity to dusty natural history museums, obscure medical museums to hidden archives. The exhibition “The Secret Museum” will showcase a collection of photographs from Ebenstein’s explorations–including sites in The Netherlands, Italy, France, Austria, England and the United States–which seek to document these spaces while at the same time investigating the psychology of collecting, the visual language of taxonomies, and the secret life of objects and collections, with an eye towards capturing the poetry, mystery and wonder of these liminal and magical spaces. In tandem with this exhibition, Ebenstein has organized a 2 week “Collector’s Cabinet” at the The Coney Island Museum, which will showcase astounding objects held in private collections, including artifacts featured in her Private Cabinet photo series of 2009.


Congress for Curious People at the Coney Island Museum
2-day symposium exploring the idea of collecting curiosities in the 21st century as well as the politics, history, and changing methodology of collecting and collections. Also on view will be “The Collector’s Cabinet,” an installation of astounding artifacts held in private collections.

The Saddest Object in the World
An Illustrated Meditation by Evan Michelson, Obscura Antiques and OdditiesMorbid Anatomy Library Scholar in residence
Date: Monday, April 12th
Time: 6:30 PM
LOCATION: * Coney Island Museum, Brooklyn

A Brief History of Automata
An Illustrated Lecture and Demonstration by Mike Zohn, Obscura Antiques and Oddities
Date: Wednesday, April 13th
Time: 6:30 PM
LOCATION: * Coney Island Museum, Brooklyn

A History of Taxidermy: Art, Science and Bad Taste
An Illustrated Presentation By Dr. Pat Morris, Royal Holloway, University of London
Date: Thursday, April 15th
Time: 6:30 PM
LOCATION: * Coney Island Museum, Brooklyn

Charles Wilson Peale and the Birth of the American Museum
An Illustrated Presentation by Samuel Strong Dunlap, PhD, Descendant of Charles Wilson Peale
Date: Friday, April 15th
Time: 6:30 PM
LOCATION: * Coney Island Museum, Brooklyn

Museums, Monsters and the Moral Imagination
An Illustrated lecture with Professor Stephen Asma, author of Stuffed Animals and Pickled Heads andOn Monsters.
Date: Thursday, April 22
Time: 8:00 PM

Experimenting with Death: An Introduction to Terror Management Theory
An Illustrated Lecture by Michael Johns, Former Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Wyoming
Date: Friday, May 7
Time: 8:00 PM


Monday, April 5, 2010

Who knew?

Reeve 2281
Originally uploaded by otisarchives1

This photo from our Flickr account has generated almost 5500 looks since it was posted on March 17. I'm often surprised at what gets a lot of views and what doesn't. I'm glad I don't play the horses.

Treasurely finds at the warehouse

This photo shows what the Historical Collections guys came across in a wooden footlocker/trunk at the warehouse. It's about 3/4 filled with boxed paraffin blocks that appear to date, based on the label, from the late nineteenth century. The boxes for each tissue sample are marked with a diagnosis, representative examples of which include bubonic plague, yaws, variola, syphilis, Leishmaniasis, and acute pancreatitis.

The labels on the boxes associate the collection with Dr. B.C. Crowell, and include a catalog number and a case number. The boxes may be from three different collections:

1 of BC Crowell
1 of people w/ Hispanic names in white boxes
1 in boxes w/ typed labels from American College of Surgeons.

It's still under investigation as to exactly what they are.

Letter of the Day: April 5

Department of the Interior,
Washington April 5th 1872

Dear Sir,

This Department is desirous of procuring some Indian relics with a view to their presentation to the Japanese Embassy, who have made application for them.

Understanding that you have in your office some articles of this description referred to, which can be probably be procured for the purpose named, I would esteem it a favor to be informed if I have been correctly advised in this premise? If so when the articles can be obtained?

Very respectfully,
Your obt. Serv.
John Delano
Chief Clerk

To this officer, in charge,
“Medical Museum”
10th Street.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Letter of the day, April 4

Is it just me, or is this adding insult to injury?

Surgeon General’s Office
Washington City, D.C.
April 4th, 1866.


I am directed by the Surgeon General to request you to furnish this office with the following information in regard to the amputations performed on your left leg.

The name of the Surgeon who performed the first operation in July 1864. The causes which led to the 2nd operation. The date of said operation, and the name of the Surgeon. The date of your discharge from the service, and the present condition and amount of usefulness of the limb.

Very respectfully,
Your obedt. servant,
By order of the Surgeon General,
George A. Otis
Surgeon & Bv’t. Lt. Col U.S. Vols.

N.G. Frost,
Late Pvt. Co. “G” 32 Me. Vols.
Norway, Me.
East Cambridge, Mass.
Thro: Adj. General of Maine.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen Job announcement

Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, is looking for applicants for two new positions as asst./assoc. professor in medical science communication and medical heritage production, respectively.

Medical Museion is an integrated research and museum unit for promoting medical science communication based on the material and visual medical heritage. The research profile is centered around the contemporary history of the biomedical sciences, medical science communication studies, and studies of the production of the material and visual medical scientific heritage. The museum has a world-class collection of historical medical artefacts and images, an active program for the acquisitioning and preservation of the contemporary biomedical and biotechnological heritage, a permanent medical-historical public gallery, and an innovative temporary exhibition program.

The museum is looking for two new members of faculty to contribute to our integrated research, teaching, heritage and outreach programme focussing on late 20th century and contemporary medical and health sciences in a cultural, aesthetic and historical perspective. The aim of the programme is to develop new modes of research-based collecting, exhibition making and web-based outreach by combining scientific content, cultural interpretation and aesthetic expression in innovative ways.

On the outreach side, we are developing research-based science communication practices for a variety of audiences – spanning from health professionals to the general public – in the form of exhibitions and web products, and with special attention to the aesthetics of science communication.

On the acquisition side, we are in the process of developing research-based curatorial practices (heritage production) in close cooperation with research institutions, hospitals, pharma, biotech and medical device companies, and patient organisations in the region ('museum 2.0') .

The appointees are required to do research at an international level and research-based teaching; however most of the teaching obligations are substituted with museum work.

This is a summary only. The full announcement can be read here:, or here: Application deadline is 25 May 2010.

Further info from professor Thomas Soderqvist, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, +45 2875 3801;;


Letter of the day, April 3

Ow. [And perhaps more to the point, that's coming through a former Confederate surgeon who wrote a military surgery manual for the South - MR]

Surgeon General’s Office
Washington, D.C.
April 3 [18]68.


I am instructed by the Surgeon General to acknowledge the reception through Dr. J.J. Chisolm of Charleston, S.C. of a musket ball removed from the bladder by lithotomy and contributed by you to the Army Medical Museum together with a history of the case, and to express to you his thanks for this valuable and interesting donation. The specimen will be numbered 5019 of the Surgical Section, A.M.M. and classified as XX.C.A. 26 in a future edition of the catalogue.

I am, Sir,
Very respectfully, Your obedt. servant,
By order of the Surgeon General,

Asst. Surgeon, U.S.A.

Dr. F.T. Miles,
Charleston, S.C.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Beauty soothe the savage beast renig the angel in a bottle

Letter of the day, April 2

Surgeon General’s Office
Washington City, D.C.
April 2nd, 1866.


Upon presenting the sum $2524.42c which you turned over to me on March 29th, the enclosed bills were returned to me as counterfeit.

Very respectfully,
Your obedt. servant,
George A. Otis
Surgeon & Bv’t. Lt. Col U.S. Vols.

Edwin Bentley,
Bv’t. Lt. Col. And Surg U.S. Vols.
Alexandria, Va

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Letter of the day, April 1

I was tickled pink to find this reply to the doctor who sent his wax preparations to the Museum (letter published March 15) and who said it would break his heart if the liver were broken.

April 1, 1887.

Dear Doctor:

Your note of March 30th is received. I am very sorry to say that the preparation of the liver was smashed into powder. But as it had been delivered to Dr. Wortman I felt bound to pay for it, although it was not possible for me to certify that it had been received, and the only thing I could do was to pay for the lung. The risks of transportation of such specimens are evidently much greater than I had supposed, and I do not think I will try it again. Some day I hope we can make such preparations here. Dr. Wortman will write you explaining how it happened. He had a pleasant visit and acquired much valuable information. Accept my sincere thanks for the very courteous manner in which you received him. With best wishes believe me to be

Yours very sincerely
(Signed) John S. Billings.

Dwight Prof. Thomas
Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Mass.

P.S. The injection of the kidney has come to hand in perfect condition.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Letter of the day, March 31

Knowing the cause and controlling it were still two different things.

Office of the Surgeon,
Camp Stotsenburg, P.I., Mch 31, 1917.

From: The Surgeon.
To. The Surgeon General, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.
(Thru Department Surgeon.)
Subject: Mosquitoes.

1. Collection of mosquitoes mailed, this date, to the Curator, Army Medical Museum, Washington, D.C.

2. 55 cases of malaria during the month, as follows:
Aestivo-autumnal, 8
Tertian, 47

3. Average strength of command: 2102.63

4. 2 cases of malaria, members of 15th Cav., casually at post, and 16 cases of civilians in addition to the above, during the month.

[signed, illegible]
Major, Medical Corps.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Letter of the day, February 25 add-on

Our correspondence is in different collections and we don’t look in every one of them when we’re searching for the Letter of the Day, so we may come across another one we want to post when we’re looking for something else. Here’s an example of one too good to pass up.


February 25, 1910

To the
Surgeon General, U.S. Army.

Dir:- [sic]

I have the honor to request that a railing be placed on the balustrade of the stair case from the basement floor to the end of balustrade in second story of this building. It will require the following material, the estimated cost of which is $65.00:

1-1/4 in. brass tubing, finished and polished, cut in lengths as follows:
24 brass brackets for hand rails.
16 brass acorns.

The present balustrade is not of sufficient height to afford adequate protection and this railing is needed to protect persons passing up and down the staircase mentioned. There has already been one life lost from falling over the balustrade to the basement, and another person narrowly escaped a similar accident a few days ago.

If the material mentioned is furnished, it can be placed by mechanics at this building.

Very respectfully,
Col. Medical Corps, U.S. Army,
In charge, Museum & Library Division


Letter of the day, March 30

I was just talking with our Registrar this morning about how people hate to do paperwork.

Surgeon General’s Office
Washington D.C.
March 30” 1865.


The Reports of Wounded, Surgical Operations &c from the Hospital under your charge for the quarter ending September 30” 1864 have not as yet been received and the several circulars sent you from this office have been disregarded.

The Surgeon General directs that the reports be prepared and forwarded immediately.

Very respectfully,
Your obdt. Servt.
C.H.C. [Deputy Surgeon General Charles H Crane, but probably Otis]
Surgeon U.S.A.

Asst. Surg. H. Allen U.S.A.
In charge “Mt. Pleasant” U.S. General Hospital
Washington D.C.

Letter of the day, March 29

A day late - no internet access yesterday.
I wonder how likely it would be that Bontecou remembered the details from case to case.

Surgeon General’s Office
Washington D.C.
March 29th 1866.


In your report of Hygeia Hospital the case of Chandler with excision of the elbow is detailed. From your letter of the 27th inst. I learn that there was another Chandler for whom you excised the head of the humerus.

Will you have the kindness to give me as nearly as you can recollect the occasion & date of the wound, and date and extent of the operation in the latter case, the nature of the after treatment and the date of the exchange.

I am, Colonel, very respectfully,
Your obedt. servant,
By order of the Surgeon General,
George A. Otis
Surgeon and Bv’t. Lt. Col. U.S.V.

Bv’t. Lt. Col.
R.B. Bontecou,
Surgeon, U.S. Volunteers

Monday, March 29, 2010

New book on Billings published

A new work on our own John Shaw Billings who organized the Library and Museum of the Office of the Surgeon General of the U.S. Army (which, of course, when split became the National Library of Medicine and the National Museum of Health and Medicine respectively), written by the distinguished author, historian of medicine and NLM staff member, the late James Cassedy, has been published posthumously by Xlibris.

According to the publisher: "Much has been written about John Shaw Billings' (1838-1913) role in the founding and development of two great American libraries, the Army Medical Library and the New York Public Library, to the neglect of other aspects of his career. Billings' role as a physician was many-faceted. Beginning his medical career as an Army surgeon during the Civil War, during the next 30 years he added to his medical skills those of scientist, administrator, and planner, builder, and organizer of several important medical and public health activities and institutions. This book explores Billings as a leader of the a medical revolution and the public health movement of the late 19th century. It emphasizes the part he played as a link between the growing federal government's presence in health policy and scientific activity and the world of private medicine and local public health."

John Shaw Billings: Science and Medicine in the Gilded Age
By James H. Cassedy
(253 pages)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Letter of the Day: March 28 (2 of 2) - Leprosy? Or syphilis?

Treasury Department
Office of the Supervising Surgeon-General, M.H.S.
Washington, D.C., March 28th, 1895

To the Supervising Surgeon-General,
U.S. Marine Hospital Service,


I have the honor to make the following report on a specimen from a supposed case of leprosy, submitted for examination by Dr. C.O. Probst, Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Health.

The specimen presented for examination is a portion of the left hand, including the little and ring fingers. The entire member is thickened to about twice its natural size.

On the dorsum of the hand is an extensive superficial ulcer with sharply defined edge and irregular margin. At the wrist the ulceration has extended deeply through the tissues, amputating the hand at this point. A similar process seems to have affected the tip of the ring finger.

Sections were made and studied from seven different places. Four were taken from the edge of the ulcer, two from its center, and one through the skin and thickened subcutaneous tissue, including the nerve going to the little finger.

All the sections disclosed a general hypertrophy of the parts and a larger overgrowth of connective tissue. Some of the specimens from the edge of the ulcer showed the histology of the specific granulomata. A thickening of the blood vessel walls was noticed in the subcutaneous tissue.

All the sections were stained for lepra bacilli, with negative results. Those sections containing giant cells were also stained for tubercle bacilli, none were found.

The disease, therefore, in my opinion in neither leprosy nor tuberculosis, which, by exclusion, throws some weight upon the suspicion of syphilis.

Very respectfully,

(signed) M. J. Rosenau,
Passed Assistant Surgeon, M.H.S.

Letter of the Day: March 28 (1 of 2)

Mt. Vernon Bks, Ala
Mch 28, 1875

Curator Army Medical Museum
Washington D.C.


Would a collection of the snakes of this region be of any value to the Museum? Or of the Flora? If so, please answer & oblige.

Your obt. Servt,

Jos. K. Corson
Asst. Surg. U.S.A.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Virtual Autopsy Table, Exhibit at House of Sweden

27 Mar - 2 May 2010
EXHIBIT: Virtual Autopsy Table
A unique interactive table allows people to explore the inside of a human being. This big touch screen allows the user to freely interact with data generated by CT and MRI scans.
Without cutting into the body, medical experts can see things otherwise difficult to discover in a conventional autopsy. The technique opens up new opportunities in countries where autopsies are not accepted due to cultural or religious reasons.

House of Sweden,
2900 K St NW
Washington DC

Letter of the Day: March 27, on Indian wars

Headquarters, District of Texas
Office of Surgeon in Chief,
Austin, Texas, March 27th 1868

Dear Doctor:

I have received this morning the first “Return of Wounds and Injuries received in action,” that has presented itself, since I entered upon my duties in this District. It is from McElderry at Fort Griffin, who accompanied a scouting party in an attack upon some Comanches, near old Fort Phantom Hill. The matter is one of interest to you, I trust, inasmuch as a considerable number of Indian bows, arrows and shields were captured. The Comanches, fourteen in number, upon being surprised, “bifurcated,” – one party makings its escape, and all the other party, seven in number, falling victim. As the soldiers did not trouble themselves to take the Indians to camp on litter, but left them dead on the spot, I am in hopes that McElderry may be able to obtain their crania. I have written to him about the desirability of augmenting the Army Med. Museum with such trophies. Three soldiers were wounded.

Another Indian fight has also just occurred in the vicinity of Fort Mason [illegible] and eight Texas Rangers, organized under the command of the Commanding Officer at Fort Mason, attacked twenty two (?) Indians, killed two of the number, and captured twelve horses. I do not believe that any medical officer of the Army was present.

These skirmishes are probably preludes to continued and extensive activity and blood-drawing, in the vicinity of the new frontier Cavalry post, and justify my recommendation that at least two medical officers should be on duty at each large military station in the new line of defence, extending from the Red River to the Rio Grande. Every large scouting party, dispatched from a fort on such an expedition as McEdlerry took part in, should be provided with a surgeon. Gen. McParlin assented to my views some time since, very readily, and orders were issued supplying Richardson, Griffin, (Burhham when established,) Concho, McKavitt etc with two medical officers. I may think it necessary to give even a third “saw-bones” to one or two of the more important commands.

I beg that you will bring this matter favorably to the attention of the Surgeon General and General Crane, as they may be surprised to see two or three medical officers reported to be on duty at a single post. Some of the posts are to be garrisoned by eight companies.

I am on the alert, also, with reference to the matter of scurvy in the frontier posts referred to. Although the troops have not reached there yet, I have already put most of the post surgeons on their guard, and have urged them to persuade company commanders to cultivate gardens, and provide their men with as much fresh vegetable food as possible. The commissary at New Orleans has promised to provide the new posts with larger amounts of canned vegetables, so that their sale may be extended to the enlisted men, and not limited to officers, after their present custom.

Your letter concerning the acquisition of curiosities for the Museum from frontier officers has received my careful attention. It is probable that in course of the summer I shall have opportunity of personally urging the medical officer and others in my District, to second your efforts ably. From what Gen. Reynolds has told me I think that I may be one of a party of his staff to visit all of the frontier posts. He sees the importance of the duty, in my case, especially if I am to occupy my present position for a term of years! – for by personal inspection of the posts, the country, and the men I should have a much better basis for official work than I now have. Present my kindest regards to all, & let me hear from you.

Yours truly,

Warren Webster

Col. George A. Otis, etc etc.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Letter of the day, March 26


War Department
Office of the Surgeon General

March 26, 1919

Circular Letter No. 156

Subject: Museum Specimens (Gas Lesions).

1. It is desired to obtain gross and microscopical specimens from cases who have lived for a considerable time after being gassed. There are now in hospitals many of these soldiers suffering in some cases from the results of this gassing, and also from various other condition.

2. Considerable material has been collected from acute lesions in man and in animals, and a certain amount of material is available showing the subsequent lesions in animals, but no specimens have been received from human sources which can be used to study the final changes and determine what, if any, permanent alterations result from exposure to the gas.

3. Should autopsies occur in any case giving a history of having been gassed, specimens will be carefully preserved and sent to the Army Medical Museum, even though there is apparently no change in the organs referable to the previous gassing. The respiratory tract is most important but blocks of tissue should be sent from each organ. A careful history and protocol will accompany the specimens.

By direction of the Surgeon General:

C.R. Darnall,
Colonel, Medical Corps, USA,
Executive Officer.

Copy for:
Surgeons, Ports of Embarkation,
Commanding Officers, all Base & General Hospitals,
Commandant, Army Medical School,
The Chief Surgeon, S.O.S. American expeditionary Forces.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Accession of the day, March 25

I'm getting a little free and easy with the accessions of the day. My rule. If today's date appears in the record, it counts.

Photographic Series Number 101. Group of Officers who have undergone amputation for gunshot injuries.

The officer on the right of the group is Captain Charles H. Houghton, who was wounded before Petersburg, March 25th, 1865, by a fragment of shell, which comminuted the condyles of the right femur. Circular amputation at the middle third was preformed the same day. On July 30th Captain Houghton was discharged from hospital well.

Next in order is Captain Edward A. Whaley, 6th Wisconsin Volunteers, whose right femur was fractured by a musket ball, at Five Forks, Virginia. April 1st, 1865. Amputation was performed immediately. On May 15th, he walked on crutches, and on August 15th went to his home well.

His neighbor, Lieut. Moretz Lowenstein, was similarly wounded at the same battle. He underwent immediate amputation, and recovered sufficiently to use crutches on May 12th.

Lieut. W.H. Humphreys had both bones of the right leg shattered by a shell, on April 2d, in the assault on the lines before Petersburg. Amputation at the lower third of the thigh was performed on the field. He was discharged from hospital August 14th, 1865.

Colonel George R. Maxwell, 1st Michigan Cavalry, had his left femur fractured by a musket ball at Five Forks, Virginia, April 1st, 1865. His thigh was amputated at Armory Square Hospital on April 19th. He left the hospital "well" on August 13th.

Lieut. W.C. Weeks, 5th Michigan Cavalry, was shot through the left ankle joint on April 1st, 1865, and a Pirgoff amputation was performed the same day by the surgeon of his regiment, Dr. St. Clair. He had a firm stump by the latter part of June.

Behind the other figures stands Lieut. J.G. Turke, whose right humerus was shattered at Fort Haskell, near Petersburg, March 25th, 1865, by a musket ball. He made a rapid recovery after an amputation at the shoulder joint.

The other standing figure is Acting Assistant Surgeon C.P. Porte, U.S.A., who communicated the memoranda of the cases. All of them were treated at Armory Square Hospital at Washington.
A.M.M. 4001.

Letter of the Day: March 25

Curatorial Records: Numbered Correspondence 564

March 25 1895

Dr. Samuel T. Armstrong,
Harlem Hospital,
New York.

Dear Doctor:

I am instructed by the Surgeon General to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of March 23rd, enclosing history of the case of James Devlin, Switchman, which furnished the specimen of right hand showing laceration, received at the Museum March 13, 1895, and to thank you for this addition to the Museum records.

Very respectfully,

Walter Reed
Surgeon, U.S. Army,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Letter of the Day: March 24

Fort Barrancas, Fla.
March 24th 75

Dear Doctor

Will you do me the favor to discuss the probable history of the enclosed, with some of your scientific friends & return it to me when you have done so with your opinion as to its archaeological value?

It was picked up on the surface of a shell-heap “kjokkinmodding” at Bear Point, on the Alabama side of the Perdido bay. I am inclined to think that this locality was occupied by the Natchez indians at the time of De Soto’s expedition.

The point of interest to be ascertained in regard to the specimen I send you are - What is the white metal around the copper?

Is it the work of white men or of the Indians, in whose possession it doubtless was when lost in the vicinity of one of their villages? Has the copper or the metal surrounding it been smelted, or was it worked to its present form by maneuvering and polishing? What was the probable use to which the article was put? Money? Ornament? Or charm?

Very truly yours,


Photo of the day, March 24

USS Solace. Commissioned on 08/09/1941; the Solace joined the Fleet on 10/27 and was the first hospital ship to be present in a naval battle when she cared for casualties from the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

She won eight engagement stars for participation in this and seven other military operations:
Gilbert Islands, 11/24-26/1943;
occupation of Kwajalein and Majuro Atolls, 02/03-04/1944; capture and occupation of Saipan, 06/18/1944-07/02/1944;
capture of Guam 07/24 to 08/15/1944;
occupation of Southern Palau Islands, 09/06 to 10/14/1944;
capture of Iwo Jima 02/23 to 03/10/1945;
and the Okinawa Gunto operation, 03/24 to 06/20/1945.

The Solace was the first hospital ship to be refueled at sea while carrying a full load of patients, near the Gilbert Islands in 11/1943, and the first to receive patients directly from the combat area (in the same campaign).

As an illustration of her activity, during 1943 she traveled 37069 miles, took part in 10 evacuations, 6 of them to transport patients from the New Hebrides area to Aukland and Wellington, New Zealand. Total admissions to the sick list that year amounted to 6465, and she spent 5 months as a station hospital.

During the Iwo Jima and Okinawa operations 1800 units of fresh whole-blood, 1200 units of plasma, 136000 sulfa tablets, and 2.5 billion units of penicillin were administered. She admitted and treated about 25000 patients altogether, 70 percent battle casualties, and steamed over 170000 miles before VJ Day. Thereafter she engaged in transporting Pacific war veterans home and was decommissioned 03/27/1946.

The SOLACE had an overall length of 410 feet, displaced 8650 tons, had a top speed of 18 knots and a cruising range of 7000 miles.

Hospital ships. Solace (AH-5) Folder 3 12/10/1916; U.S. Navy BUMED Library and Archives

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Letter of the day, March 23

This letter, in and of itself, is only moderately interesting; however, because we picked up a donation of about 400 or so microscopes last week, arguably making ours the largest microscope collection in the world, it is somewhat more interesting. That, and the fact that it bears Walter Reed's signature. Hopefully someone from Historical Collections will report more details here.

March 23, [189]5

To the
Surgeon General, U.S. Army,
Washington, D.C.


In reply to your letter of March 22, 1895, I beg to report that the following microscopes, all in good condition as to serviceability, are on hand at the Museum, viz.:

Large microscope, continental stand, mechanical stage, Zeiss (One of these belongs to the microphotographic outfit.) No. 4
Large microscope with fixed stage (Stand 1B, Leitz,) [No.] 1
Medium sized microscope, Stand II, Leitz, [No.] 1
Microscope B B, Continental stand, Bausch & Lomb, [No.] 6

The foregoing instruments are furnished with suitable oculars and objectives for pathological and bacteriological work, and were taken up upon my property return for the year ending December 31, 1894.

Very respectfully,
[signed] Walter Reed,
Surgeon, U.S. Army,

Photo of the day, March 23

From our Hollister Collection, OHA 193. 100 percent perfect condition of teeth. First grade. 03/23/1925.

Universal Health Care

Today's expected presidential signature on the health care bill is a huge change for America, but this issue is by no means a new one. In our Registry of Noteworthy Research in Pathology collection is an article by John R. Mannix, Director of Chicago Plan for Hospital Care, titled "Why Not an American Blue Cross? How Hospitals and Physicians, Cooperating, Might Provide Prepayment Health Services for All." It was written in 1944 in the journal Hospitals.

Mannix proposed that physicians and hospitals create an American Blue Cross and obtain a federal charter to operate in the federal interest. He says that in response to three things - the Depression's bringing to light the need for provisions against future need, strong Congressional lobbying for legislative protection by special interest groups, and taxes chipping away at individual fortunes that previously had been used for philanthropic purposes - the public was demanding guaranteed health services: "It has been confirmed and emphasized by every competent survey to date, including the Fortune poll, which showed that three-quarters (74.3 per cent) of all Americans believe the federal government should collect enough taxes after the war to provide for medical care for everyone who needs it." He goes on to say, "The public wants protection. One way or another it will get what it wants. It will accept, indeed welcome, a voluntary system, but meanwhile it is insisting upon the presentation of federal protection because it does not believe that voluntary agencies are going to do the complete job."

Sixty-six years later, it looks like his prediction will come about. It just took a little longer than he might have expected.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hall of Human Origins NMNH SI

went on opening day